Entire fund will be provided to set company


Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2023/0057076

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Mahesh Pratap Singh alias Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Uttar Pradesh

Grievance Description

Sir, two important schemes were launched by our government.

The first important plan is to construct a cow shelter for mother cow and the second important plan is to take care of cleanliness everywhere so that the environment may remain safe.

Sir, it is clear from the first page of the attachment that stray animals are roaming everywhere in the city of Mirzapur, for which there is no arrangement for prevention and all these stray animals belong to Gaumata Parivar.

Sir, here an important question arises that where is the money being given by the government for the construction of cow shelters being spent? Is it not being put to good use? Is it just flowing to the pockets of the concerned officials?

Sir, there is no such street in Mirzapur city where you will not find 10 cattle standing and if so many cow sheds are built then all these animals in this Mirzapur city, why are they causing traffic jams?

That is, the fund given by the government for Gaushala has only flowed to fill the pockets of the concerned officers and employees.

Sir, now the applicant draws your kind attention to the cleanliness campaign started by our great Prime Minister. Big claims are being made regarding this cleanliness campaign, but how much truth is there in those claims, it will be known only after seeing the ground reality.

Sir, you may now go through the remaining two pages of the enclosure.

If the dirty water of the drain flows on the road then how will the sweeper sweep and if he does not sweep then how will our environment be clean? Sir, at present water is flowing over the broken drain in Surekapuram Colony and this water is spreading on the road.

Once our great prime minister will commence an election campaign, he will compare these roads and lanes with the roads and lanes of Paris and we will be misled with such hypnotic electron rhetoric.

Where is good governance if the grievances of the common people are closed through arbitrary and inconsistent parrot replies?

संदर्भ संख्या : 40019923017704 , दिनांक - 10 Aug 2023 तक की स्थिति

आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण :

शिकायत संख्या:-40019923017704

आवेदक का नाम-Yogi M P. Singh

विषय-Demand- 1- Repair of broken drainage as soon as possible. Demand- 2- Give the park shape to the neglected park second of Surekapuram Colony which means beautification of the second park of the Surekapuram colony. The applicant is only a messenger. I expect from the junior engineer of the municipality Mirzapur City that he may take the perusal of his own contents which are written in Hindi and take appropriate action in the matter

कार्यालय नगरपालिका परिषद, मीरजापुर जनसुनवाई संन्दर्भ सं 80000230022902 सेवा में अधिशासी अधिकारी महोदय, मीरजापुर। महोदय, कृपया जनसुनवाई संन्दर्भ सं0-80000230022902 का संदर्भ ग्रहण करने का कष्ट करें, जिसमे श्री योगी एम०पी० सिंह निवासी- मीरजापुर नाली मरम्मत के संबंध में शिकायत की गयी है स्थल का निरीक्षण कराया गया, उक्त सड़क सुरेकापुरम कालोनी में के०पी० सिंह से उमा मौर्या तक नाली मरम्मत का कार्य आगणन धनांक- 77,303-00 का तैयार किया गया है। पार्क के कार्य हेतु आगामी 15वें वृत्त की धनराशि अवमुक्त होने पर स्वीकृतार्थ प्रेषित किया जायेगा। स्वीकृत्तोपरान्त कार्य करा दिया जायेगा। उक्त आख्या श्री सुनील कुमार मौर्या, अवर अभियन्ता मो० नं०- 8707846842 व श्री विपिन कुमार मिश्रा, नगर अभियन्ता मो० नं० -9893779503 दिनांक 14.02.2023 द्वारा दी गयी निरीक्षण आख्या के आधार पर है। अतएवं उक्त के परिप्रेक्ष्य में शिकायत का निस्तारण करने का कष्ट करें। नगर अभियन्ता, नगर पालिका परिषद, मीरजापुर

You should think about the credibility of your junior engineer who had promised to repair the broken drainage which is the outcome of the negligence of your staff but it is most unfortunate that he did not keep his promise. Whether you think about the credibility of the department and you keep the credibility of the department intact. It seems that you are influenced by the working of our prime minister sir. Now water is flowing above the head which is instigating to take action by coming into the field.

Grievance Document

Current Status

Case closed   

Date of Action



प्रकरण में सम्बंधित से आख्या प्राप्त कर निस्तारण हेतु प्रेषित है आख्या संलग्न है श्रीमान जी की सेवा में विस्तृत आख्या सादर प्रेषित है

Reply Document




Rating Remarks

It is submitted before the Honourable sir that the government is spending huge amounts of funds for the development which is quite obvious from the first page of the attached pdf document which must be perused by the accountable staff of the municipality Mirzapur city. EMS Infracon Pvt. Ltd. C-88 RDC Rajnagar Ghaziabad took out a tender of sewage construction for 35 wards in Mirzapur city which cost Rs.22560.92 Lakhs. What is the current situation in the district? Everyone knows well only dust is flying in the air. Before spending the public fund there must be thought of Public Interest instead of thinking about filling their own pockets which is the root cause of the problem of the people in the area that public staff do not think about the miseries of the people but they think about their own pockets. For two and a half years only dust are flying in the air because entire roads in the district Mirzapur have been dug by the government staff. Cleanly drive mission of the government.

Appeal Details

Appeal Number

Date of Receipt

Appeal Text

Current Status

Officer Concerns To

Officer Name

Shri Bhaskar Pandey (Joint Secretary)

Organisation name

Government of Uttar Pradesh

Contact Address

Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow

Email Address


Contact Number


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