Government is failed to curb anarchy in the working of regional office Varanasi of U.P. Board

Registration Number DPMSP/R/2023/60048

Name Yogi M P Singh

Date of Filing 30/01/2023

Status REQUEST REJECTED as on 23/02/2023

Reason for Rejection :- Rule 4(2)(b)(v), Section 11.

Remarks:- . Where a State Public Information Officer, intends to disclose any information or record, or part thereof on a request made under this Act, which relates to or has been supplied by a third party and has been treated as confidential by that third party, State Public Information Officer,shall, within five days from the receipt of the request, give a written notice to such third party of the request and of the fact that State Public Information Officer, intends to disclose the information or record, or part thereof, and invite the third party to make a submission in writing or orally, regarding whether the information should be disclosed, and such submission of the third party shall be kept in view while taking a decision about disclosure of information: Provided that except in the case of trade or commercial secrets protected by law, disclosure may be allowed if the public interest in disclosure outweighs in importance any possible harm or injury to the interests of such third party.(2) Where a notice is served by the State Public Information Officer, under sub-section (1) to a third party in respect of any information or record or part thereof, the third party shall, within ten days from the date of receipt of such notice, be given the opportunity to make representation against the proposed disclosure.(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 7, the State Public Information Officer, shall, within forty days after receipt of the request under section 6, if the third party has been given an opportunity to make representation under sub-section (2), make a decision as to whether or not to disclose the information or record or part thereof and give in writing the notice of his decision to the third party. (4) A notice given under sub-section (3) shall include a statement that the third party to whom the notice is given is entitled to prefer an appeal under section 19 against the decision.

The information sought should not be so vast that the collection thereof involves disproportionate diversion of resources affecting efficient operation of the public authority concerned.

  Nodal Officer Details  


Telephone Number 05322623820


Online RTI Request Form Details

Public Authority Details :-


* Public Authority Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad


Personal Details of RTI Applicant:-

Registration Number DPMSP/R/2023/60048

Date of Filing 30/01/2023

* Name Yogi M P Singh

Gender Male

* Address Mohalla Surekapuram , Lakshmi Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir, Jabalpur Road

Districts Mirzapur

Pincode 231001

State Uttar Pradesh

Educational Status Literate

  Above Graduate

Phone Number Details not provided

Mobile Number +91-7379105911

Email-ID myogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com

Citizenship Indian

* Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line ? No

RTI Application Details u/s 6(1) :-

((Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters) )

* Description of Information Sought Public Information Officer in the office of additional secretary regional office Varanasi of U. P. Board may Provide the following information to the applicant. 

1-Public Information Officer in the office of additional secretary regional office Varanasi of U. P. Board may provide his first posting details in which district and on which date his first posting took place. 

2-Public Information Officer in the office of additional secretary regional office Varanasi of U. P. Board may tell the applicant that on which date he joined the regional office Varanasi , what was his post at that time 

3-All the Class I category employees in the regional office Varanasi, their joining date in the regional office Varanasi posting details should be made available to the applicant by the Public Information Officer in the office of additional secretary regional office Varanasi of U. P. Board. 

4-Public Information Officer in the office of additional secretary regional office Varanasi of U. P. Board may provide the posting details of all the Class 2 category employees in the regional office Varanasi, the date of joining in the regional office Varanasi, to the applicant. 

5- Public Information Officer in the office of additional secretary regional office Varanasi of U. P. Board may provide the joining date, posting details of all the third class employees in the regional office Varanasi of the U. P. Board to the applicant. 

6-Public Information Officer in the office of additional secretary regional office Varanasi of U. P. Board may provide joining date and work details of all class IV employees  in the regional office Varanasi of U. P. Board. 

The applicant expects from the Public Information Officer in the office of additional secretary regional office Varanasi of U. P. Board that the above information will be made available point-wise to the applicant within the time limit prescribed in section 7 sub-section 1 of the Right to Information act 2005. 

A copy of the new transfer policy dated June 15, 2022, sent by the then Chief Secretary Uttar Pradesh Government, is attached to this online application, which motive is to send people to distant places so that corruption may decrease. 

Even today, there are many such corrupt employees and officers who have been stuck in one place for many years, so it is necessary to follow this mandate in a proper manner, complete transparency and accountability should be ensured in its compliance, so you should be as soon as possible may provide the above information so that necessary action may be taken by the applicant.



Phone No

Email Id

Supporting document ((only pdf upto 1 MB))

Registration Number DPMSP/A/2023/60017

Name Yogi M P Singh

Date of Filing 23/02/2023

Status APPEAL DISPOSED OF as on 21/10/2023

Reply :- please find the attchament

View Document

  Nodal Officer Details  


Telephone Number 05322623820


Online RTI Appeal Form Details

Public Authority Details :-


* Public Authority Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad


Personal Details:-

* Name Yogi M P Singh

Gender Male

* Address Mohalla Surekapuram , Lakshmi Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir, Jabalpur Road

Districts Mirzapur

Pincode 231001

State Uttar Pradesh

Educational Status Literate

Phone Number Details not provided

Mobile Number +91-7379105911

Email-ID myogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com

Citizenship Indian

* Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line ? No

First Appeal Details u/s 19(1) :-

Registration Number DPMSP/A/2023/60017

Date of Filing 23/02/2023

Concerned Appellate Authority ADD. SEC. VNS

Phone No 05422509990

Email Id

* Ground For Appeal Refused access to Information Requested

((Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters) )

* Prayer or Relief Sought Reason for Rejection :- Rule 4(2)(b)(v), Section 11. According to para v subsection 2 b of section 4 of the UTTAR PRADESH RIGHT TO INFORMATION RULES, 2015 Any request for obtaining information under the Act should fulfil the following conditions: be so vast that the collection thereof involves disproportionate diversion of resources affecting efficient operation of the public authority concerned. Whether in the office of public authority posting details of the staff is not maintained? Think about the anarchy and mismanagement in the office of the additional secretary, regional office Varanasi where necessary records are not maintained. Whether it reflects good governance as claimed by our chief minister Yogi Adityanath? Undoubtedly the office of additional secretary is regulated by the rule of anarchy. This implies that section 4 of the Right to Information Act 2005 is still not abided by the additional secretary regional office Varanasi because of fear psychosis that it will decrease the corruption in the office. Think about the gravity of the situation, because of corruption in the offices like the regional office Varanasi of U.P. Boards do not maintain records even after more than 17 years from the date ratification of the Right to Information Act 2005. According section 11 of the UTTAR PRADESH RIGHT TO INFORMATION RULES, 2015-. Any party to a proceeding before the Commission may move an application before the Chief Information Commissioner praying for the transfer of the proceeding from the bench hearing it. The Chief Information Commissioner, after considering the comments, if any, of the Information Commissioner concerned on such application, may transfer the proceeding to another bench if he is of the view that there is sufficient ground for such transfer. It means your PIO is incompetent to understand the aforementioned provisions of the law concerned with the working of the transparency ombudsman i.e. state information commission. If PIO is talking about section 11 of the Right to Information Act 2005, then it concerns third party information collected by public authority during dealings with public and I have sought information concerning the working of the public authority and its staff not third party. I think PIO had to pass the academic exams by working hard instead of adopting short cut paths. There must be transparency and accountability in the process of the selection of public staff instead of corruption.

Supporting document ((only pdf upto 1 MB)) Supporting document not provided

RTI Application Details u/s 6(1) :-

Registration Number DPMSP/R/2023/60048

Date of Filing 30/01/2023

PIO of Public Authority approached REG. OFFICE VARANASI


Phone No

Email Id

PIO Order/Decision Number Details not provided

* PIO Order/Decision Date

Beerbhadra Singh

To write blogs and applications for the deprived sections who can not raise their voices to stop their human rights violations by corrupt bureaucrats and executives.

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