Cyber-crime of Rs.53000 but police is not registering F.I.R. and S.B.I. is not taking action because F.I.R. is not registered


Grievance Status for registration number : DEABD/E/2023/0064940

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Financial Services (Banking Division)

Grievance Description

Financial Services (Banking Division) >> Fraud

Department/Bank/Financial Institute : Reserve Bank of India


An application under Article 51 A of the Constitution of India on behalf of Mahima Singh D/O Dayanand Singh to seek inquiry in the matter of cheating.

R.B.I. forwarded matter of cheating of Rs.53000 from SBI account of Mahima Singh, to S.B.I. and S.B.I. is procrastinating on it.

Grievance Status for registration number: DEABD/E/2023/0062530

Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant-Yogi M. P. Singh, Date of Receipt-06/09/2023, Received By Ministry/Department-Financial Services (Banking Division)

Ground of redress of the grievance-

SBI MIRZAPUR(00134) ( 15 September 2023 at 15:58

To: (


Madam/Dear Sir,

With reference to your complain on CPGRAM Portal dated 06.09.2023, Reg.No. DEABD/E/2023/0062530.

We advise you to visit home branch with necessary documents for further action.


Chief Manager, State Bank of India, Mirzapur (00134), Mirzapur

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

The email to reply the aforementioned email of chief manager sent by the applicant which PDF copy is attached to the grievance. Its hard copy with annexures in 9 pages submitted before deputy branch manager by aggrieved applicant Mahima Singh but he denied to receive the representation of the aggrieved applicant. She requested half an hour, then she went to head post office Fatha and despatched it to branch manager main branch of SBI Mirzapur. Following is the tracking status of the speed post.

Booked At-Mirzapur HO , Booked On-16/09/2023 14:21:23,Destination, Pincode-231001,Tariff-17.70,Article Type-Inland Speed Post, Delivery Location-Mirzapur HO

Event Details For : EU962641074INCurrent Status : Item Booked

Date-16/09/2023, Time-14:21:23, Office -Mirzapur HO, Event-Item Booked

Here burning question is that why deputy branch manager denied to accept the application of Mahima Singh while to redress the grievance of the applicant chief manager advised to submit entire d

Grievance Document

Current Status

Case closed   

Date of Action



Customer has been suitably communicated.

Reply Document




Rating Remarks

It is evident from the reply of CPIO that he took the recourse of Section 8 (1) (j) of RTI Act-2005 to deny information considering Mahima Singh as third party in the matter. The matter of fact is that the information seeker is authorized by Mahima Singh to proceed in the matter of fraud of Rs.53000 by fraudulent element. Respected sir may be pleased to take a glance of the first page of the attached pdf document to this appeal. As far as information sought by the appellant concerned with the working of the bank which must be provided by them but because of corruption they are not providing it on the flimsy ground. First appellate authority must direct the central public information officer to provide information to the information seeker instead of procrastinating on the matter and withholding the information by taking the provisions under teeth through misinterpretation.

Appeal Details

Appeal Number


Date of Receipt


Appeal Text

Most respected sir Uttar Pradesh police is not registering first information report in this matter of cheating which is quite obvious from the following comment made by the investigation officer belonging to the police district Mirzapur. State Bank of India can take action in the matter only when the first information report will be registered by the police in the state of Uttar Pradesh under the act of cyber crime. More than one month passed but police did not register first information report so it is a humble request from the appellate authority to direct the subordinate to take action in the matter. आख्या जिलाधिकारी ( ) 23-09-2023 कृपया उपरोक्त सबंध में तत्काल नियमानुसार कार्यवाही कर कृत कार्यवाही से अवगत कराने का कष्ट करें क्षेत्राधिकारी / सहायक पुलिस आयुक्त-क्षेत्राधिकारी , नगर ,जनपद-मिर्ज़ापुर 04-10-2023 संदर्भित प्रकरण मे गहराई से जॉच किया गया तथा प्रभारी निरीक्षक थाना विन्ध्याचल से आख्या प्राप्त किया गया तो पाया गया कि आवेदिका उपरोक्त पते की निवासी है। प्रकरण के सम्बन्ध मे आवेदिका से वार्ता की गयी तो आवेदिका बताया गया कि मोबाईल पर पार्ट टाईम जॉब के लिये एड निकला था मैने दिये हुये मोबाईल नम्बर बात किया तो उधर से 10 हजार रूपये की मांग की गयी जिस पर मैने बताये गये खाता संख्या मे ट्रांसफर कर दिया गया। इसी प्रकार धीरे धीरे करके उधर सेपैसे की मांग की जाती रही मै लालच मे नौकरी के लिये क्रमशः खाता नम्बर 9060099387 तेलंगाना बैंक, खाता नम्बर7589141775, इंडियन बैंक व पुनः खाता संख्या881029863815 बैंक डीबीएस मे अलग अलग समय मे कुल 53 हजार रूपये डाल दिया तब मुझे मालूम हुआ कि मेरे साथ साईबर अपराध हो गया है। आवेदिका द्वारा बताया गया कि मेरे प्रार्थना पत्र की जॉच साईबर थाना से कराया जाय। उपरोक्त प्रकरण के सम्बन्ध मे प्रार्थना पत्र की जॉच हेतु प्रभारी निरीक्षक विन्ध्याचल द्वारा प्रभारी साईबर अपराध थाना मीरजापुर को पत्राचार किया गया है। प्रभारी निरीक्षक विन्ध्याचल विन्ध्याचल को निर्देशित किया गया कि प्रकरण मे अनुस्मारक पत्र प्रेषित कर अग्रिम विधिक कार्यवाही कराना सुनिश्चित करें। जॉच आख्या सादर अवलोकनार्थ सेवा मे प्रेषित है।

Current Status

Appeal Received

Officer Concerns To

Officer Name

General Manager (General Manager)

Organisation name

State Bank of India

Contact Address

Corporate Centre, Customer Service Deptt. State Bank Bhawan, 16th Floor, Madam Cama Road, Mumbai

Email Address

Contact Number


Reminder(s) / Clarification(s)

Reminder Date



Here burning question is that why deputy branch manager denied to accept the application of Mahima Singh while to redress the grievance of the applicant chief manager advised to submit entire documents at the branch office whether it is not cryptic and mysterious dealings?

Registration Number SBILW/R/E/23/00654, Name Yogi M P Singh, Date of Filing 16-09-2023

1- Chief Manager, State Bank of India, Mirzapur (00134) sent email as

Madam/Dear Sir,

With reference to your complain on CPGRAM Portal dated 06.09.2023, Reg.No. DEABD/E/2023/0062530.

We advise you to visit home branch with necessary documents for further action.


Chief Manager

State Bank of India

Mirzapur (00134)


Today Mahima Singh visited the main branch of the State Bank of India, Mirzapur To submit the application at the branch as advised by chief manager but deputy branch manager did not accept it.

CPIO must provide the reason of it as required under subsection 1d of section 4 of the right to information act 2005.

2- When the deputy branch manager denied taking the application of the Mahima Singh then Mahima Singh sent the application through the speed registered post which tracking status is attached to this RTI application.

CPIO must provide the Noting on it and minutes are proceedings regarding it.

3- Mahima Singh went to main branch to submit application in compliance of the advice provided by the chief manager and subordinate of chief manager denied taking it.

Please provide the reasons of it which allowed the subordinate to take under teeth the advice provided by the chief manager to vulnerable account holder Mahima Singh.

4- Please provide the provision of law which allows the staff of the bank to reject the application of the customer of the bank without accepting it and without telling any reason. Moreover, this application is in the compliance of the order of the chief manager of the bank.

To see the attached document to the grievance, click on the link

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