Widow of army personnel submitted appeal against CPIO, Punjab National Bank as he provided misleading information

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Registration Number PNBNK/A/E/23/00631

Name Smt Rajesh Sharma

Date of Filing 25-09-2023

Appeal filed with Punjab National Bank

 Contact Details  

Telephone Number 01128044540

Email Id mohansingla@pnb.co.in

Online RTI Appeal Form Details

RTI Appeal Details :-


RTI Appeal Registration number PNBNK/A/E/23/00631

Public Authority Punjab National Bank


Personal Details of Appellant:-

Request Registration Number PNBNK/R/E/23/02111

Request Registration Date 24/08/2023

Name Smt Rajesh Sharma

Gender Female


Country India

State Uttar Pradesh

Status Urban

Educational Status Literate

Phone Number Details not provided

Mobile Number +91-9412387549

Email-ID smtrajeshsharma11[at]gmail[dot]com

Appeal Details :-

Citizenship Indian

Is the Requester Below Poverty Line ? No

Ground For Appeal Provided Incomplete,Misleading or False Information

CPIO of Public Authority approached CO Bulandshahr Sujeet Chaudhary

CPIO's Order/Decision Number Details not provided

CPIO's Order/Decision Date

(Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters)

Prayer or Relief Sought

Appeal document is attached to this online appeal submission. Please take the perusal of the appeal to act against the violators of provisions of Right to Information Act 2005.

An appeal under subsection one of section 19 of the Right to Information Act 2005 against central public information officer Punjab National Bank.

Sought information 1-Can you auction the house of the applicant if there may be balance of Rs.50 in C.C. Account of the applicant by misusing provisions of SARFAESI Act 2002?

Please provide reasonable reply as Right to reason is the indispensable part of the sound administrative system.

Central public information officer of the Punjab National Bank replied as follows-

Bank only auctions the security whether it may be house or other through legal process.

Submission-Honourable Sir the appellant has not asked them what is auctioned under SARFAESI act 2002? Because the appellant knows well that the securities are auctioned under the act.

Sought information 2-Please provide the name and designation of the staff of the bank who verified the stock in the year 2017 during the sanction of the loan and in the year 2022 during the renewal of the loan.

Central public information officer of the Punjab National Bank replied as follows-

According to the central public information officer of the Punjab National Bank this information is exempted from disclosure under subsection 1d of Section 8 and under subsection 1 j of Section 8 of the right to Information Act 2005.

Submission-Subsection 1 d of Section 8 of the right to Information Act 2005 states as-

 information including commercial confidence, trade secrets or intellectual property, the

disclosure of which would harm the competitive position of a third party, unless the competent

authority is satisfied that larger public interest warrants the disclosure of such information.

Subsection 1 (J) of Section 8 of the right to Information Act 2005 states as-information which relates to personal information the disclosure of which has no relationship to any public activity or interest, or which would cause unwarranted invasion of the privacy of the individual unless the Central Public Information Officer or the State Public Information Officer or the appellate authority, as the case may be, is satisfied that the larger public interest justifies the disclosure of such information:

Provided that the information which cannot be denied to the Parliament, or a State Legislature shall not be denied to any person.

The factual position is that no one checked the stock of the om gas agency on the part of the Punjab National Bank and Punjab National Bank has provided a fabricated stock valuation which has no authentication. Neither stock was verified in the year 2017 nor in the year 2022.

Here renewal application has been made by the information seeker itself so this information does not concern with any other person as far as name and designation of the staff are concerned which must be disclosed to promote transparency and accountability in the working of the public authority which is the object of Right to Information Act 2005.

Here public authority is not disclosing the information because they are frightened that if the information will be disclosed in public domain their corruption will be exposed which is the root cause they are avoiding disclosure of information. Please direct them to disclose the information in the interest of justice.


Sought information 3-Provide the provision of SARFAESI Act 2002 which allows auction notice in 2019 then renewal of C.C. Account and then one more auction notice in 2023 without due proceedings of law.

Central public information officer of the Punjab National Bank replied as follows-

According to the central public information officer of the Punjab National Bank-bank starts SARFAESI process to recover the dues of the bank from the sale of securities.

Submission of the appellant-Here sought information concerns with the multiple notices are being issued by the chief manager which reflects tyranny and arbitrariness in the working and violations of the provisions of the SARFAESI act.

They have no support of the provisions of law for their arbitrary action which promotes corruption in the department. Tyranny and arbitrariness always open the gate of corruption.

Sought information 4-Provide the provision of SARFAESI Act 2002 which allows chief manager to serve multiple arbitrary notices to borrower by chief manager as done in this case.

Central public information officer of the Punjab National Bank replied as follows-

According to the central public information officer of the Punjab National Bank, chief manager is authorised to issue notice under SARFESI act 2002. Whenever account is classified as NPA and authorised official starts SARFAESI act process.

Submission of the appellant-everyone knows that under SARFAESI act 2002 multiple notices are not allowed which is the root cause, they have provided a misleading reply. It is quite obvious that central public information officer could not provide Provisions of law which allow chief manager of the Punjab National Bank to issue multiple auction notices.

Please act against the central public information officer who provided misleading and round about reply to the information seeker which is the violation of provisions of right to Information Act 2005.

According to K K Thakur, Chief Manager Inspection and Audit, CO: Bulandshahr-

1-It does not matter whatever amount you have deposited as the account is still in NPA category, so legal action can be taken as per bank norms.

2-Your account is NPA since 29-05-2019.

3-Then upon borrower request Competent (Circle Sastra) allowed operation in your Current account on 13-12-2022 under tagging arrangement @ 15% for Cash Credit Account which was valid for 6 months.

4-Competent Authority (PLP RAM) renewed your limit last year but due to unavailability of sufficient stock operation was not possible in CC account.

5-Bank has sympathy for you, but Bank only act as per the norms only.

6-As last stock statement submitted by you is of only Rs. 704890. Hence the operation cannot be permitted.

An enquiry under Article 51 A of the constitution of India regarding corrupt dealings of Bank.

1-Can you auction the house of the applicant if there may be balance of Rs.50 in C.C. Account of the applicant by misusing provisions of SARFAESI Act 2002?

2-After O.T.S., you did the renewal temporarily and applicant submitted renewal application. According to rule, you had to pursue the procedure of law to make the loan N.P.A. but you have not followed but making mockery of provisions of SARFAESI Act 2002?

3 and 4-As one time settlement was fulfilled by the applicant.

5-In 2017, bank granted C.C. Loan on the same stock and in renewal application they are questioning stock. Whether integrity of Bank staff is not under cloud? Whether it is not corruption?

6-The stock statement submitted by the applicant is of Rs.7025416 obvious from report of chartered accountant dated 20 Oct 2022. Vide page 1 of the attached PDF document to the grievance supported by Stock verification report of staff of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited as page 2.

To curb the process of renewal is the part of cryptic and mysterious dealings of the corrupt staff of the Punjab National Bank obvious from their incredible dealings in the matter.

Undoubtedly it is too much surprising that the same stock was sufficient stock in the year 2017 when the cash credit loan was sanctioned by the bank staff and now when the renewal application was submitted then this stock has been insufficient stock. This implies that for the sufficient stock, sympathy of the bank staff is must and to garner their sympathy everyone knows that what the applicant should do? No doubt the applicant is a credible customer of the bank and no loss to the bank because of the applicant but the bank staff because of corruption harassing a vulnerable lady.


This is a humble request of the widow of an army personnel to order an enquiry into the matter of deep-rooted corruption so that rights of a woman may be safeguarded, and her exploitation may stop.

The staff of the bank search deliberate-cunning tricks to harass a woman because of corruption.

Supporting document (only pdf upto 1 MB)

Enter Registration Number PNBNK/A/E/23/00631

Name Smt Rajesh Sharma

Received Date 25/09/2023

Public Authority Punjab National Bank


Date of action 25/09/2023

First Appellate Authority Details :- Details not provided

Nodal Officer Details :-

Telephone Number 01128044540

Email Id mohansingla[at]pnb[dot]co[dot]in

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