ROOP AVTAR KAUR designated as FAA in CIC directed DO IC(KY)-Prakash to revisit RTI Application and provide point wise information

(Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters)

Description of Information Sought

Diary Number 625103, received on 23-05-2023 Yogi M P Singh Surekapuram colony, Shri Laxmi

Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir, Riva Road, Mirzapur city, PIN Code-231001

1-Provide name and designation of staff processed aforementioned diary.

2-Condonation of delay request attached to second appeal not considered. Please provide the reason. Vide attached document.

Concerned CPIO DO IC(KY)-Prakash 

Online RTI First Appeal Status Form

Enter Registration Number CICOM/A/E/23/00191

Name Yogi M P Singh

Received Date 13/06/2023

Public Authority Central Information Commission


Date of action 04/07/2023

Reply :- Ref RTI No.- CICOM/R/E/23/00583


The Appellant submitted first appeal stating that

“Where is the name and designation of the staff who processed Diary Number 625103, received on 23-05-2023? This implies incomplete information. Under point 2, CPIO said that request for condonation of delay is not in proper format. Request for condonation of delay received on 12 May 2023 to comply with communication dated 28/04.2023 in respect of diary number-620495/2023. But Deputy registrar CR-1 on 15 May 2023 sought a copy of first appeal and index of documents. Now the same request of condonation of delay attached to the second appeal is not in proper format. Here integrity of staff who processed is under cloud.”


The First Appeal, RTI application and reply given by CPIO of CIC have been perused.

In the instant case, CPIO (DR to CR-I) is directed to revisit the RTI application and provide a point-wise reply to the RTI application as per the provisions of the RTI Act, 2005 by 13.07.2023.

The appeal is disposed of accordingly.

First Appellate Authority Details :- Ms[dot] ROOP AVTAR KAUR

Phone: 011-26162290


Nodal Officer Details :-

Telephone Number 011-26172690

Email Id rticell[at]cic[dot]nic[dot]in

Online RTI Appeal Form Details

RTI Appeal Details :-


RTI Appeal Registration number CICOM/A/E/23/00191

Public Authority Central Information Commission


Personal Details of Appellant:-

Request Registration Number CICOM/R/E/23/00583

Request Registration Date 02/06/2023

Name Yogi M P Singh

Gender Male

Address Surekapuram Colony , Shri Laxmi Narayan Baikunth M , Riva Road, Mirzapur city PIN Code 231001

Country India

State Uttar Pradesh

Status Urban

Educational Status Literate

  Above Graduate

Phone Number +91-7379105911

Mobile Number +91-7379105911

Email-ID yogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com

Appeal Details :-

Citizenship Indian

Is the Requester Below Poverty Line ? No

Ground For Appeal Provided Incomplete,Misleading or False Information

CPIO of Public Authority approached DO IC(KY)-Prakash

CPIO's Order/Decision Number Details not provided

CPIO's Order/Decision Date

(Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters)

Prayer or Relief Sought

Where is the name and designation of the staff who processed Diary Number 625103, received on 23-05-2023? This implies incomplete information. Under point 2, CPIO said that request for condonation of delay is not in proper format. Request for condonation of delay received on 12 May 2023 to comply with communication dated 28/04.2023 in respect of diary number-620495/2023. But Deputy registrar CR-1 on 15 May 2023 sought a copy of first appeal and index of documents. Now the same request of condonation of delay attached to the second appeal is not in proper format. Here integrity of staff who processed is under cloud.

Supporting document (only pdf upto 1 MB)

To see the attached document to the RTI Application, click on the link


An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist. Working for the betterment of societies and as an anti-corruption crusader for more than 25 years. Our sole motive is to raise the voices of weaker and downtrodden sections of the society and safeguard their human rights. Our motive is to promote the religion of universal brotherhood among the various castes communities of different religions. Man is great by his deeds and character.

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