Money of citizens is no safer because of corruption in working of the financial institutions


Grievance Status for registration number: DEABD/E/2023/0073899

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Financial Services (Banking Division)

Grievance Description

Financial Services (Banking Division) >> Fraud

Department/Bank/Financial Institute : Reserve Bank of India


Incompetent staff and corruption in government are hinderance in taking action against corrupt staff updated PAN of applicant in13 bank accounts.

A CMS complaint N202324023301522 on the captioned subject has been registered by CRPC Chandigarh, RBI on 22-09-2023 and transferred to Office of RBI Ombudsman, Kanpur on 22-09-2023.

It is observed that you have directly approached RBI Ombudsman Office without first registering your complaint with Credit information Company (CIC). You have neither provided any copy of complaint made with CIC nor provided any proof complaint made with CIC. You are therefore advised to first register your complaint with CIC. You can approach this office again if CIC will not provide any response within 30 days.

Grievance Status for registration number: PMOPG/E/2023/0173620, Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant-Yogi M. P. Singh, Date of Receipt-30/08/2023, Received By Ministry/Department Prime Ministers Office

Closure Intimation for Complaint N202324023301522 against CRIF High Mark Credit Information Services Private Limited.

RBI/CMS/N202324023301522/ 2023-24 Date: 26-09-2023

Please refer to your complaint against CRIF High Mark Credit Information Services Private Limited Filed Through the CMS portal/ email/ letter dated 22-09-2023 16:09:00,under the Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021

CRIF CARE 9 October 2023 at 17:29

To: Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for connecting with CRIF Highmark.

We are still awaiting revert from State Bank of India as we have requested for physical verification from the credit institution.

Meanwhile, request you to follow-up with the respective credit institution for updates and we are still following them, Post receiving updates from the credit institution we will get back to you.


Chandrashekhar Rao, Senior - Customer Support Specialist, CRIF High Mark Credit Information Services Pvt. Ltd., 3rd Floor, Axis

Grievance Document

Current Status

Case closed   

Date of Action




A CMS complaint regarding the issue raised by you has been registered with office of RBI Ombudsman Kanpur. The complaint has been processed and subsequently disposed of as per applicable clause under the scheme. Please find attached closure letter containing details of the processing and subsequent resolution provided.

Reply Document




Rating Remarks

This is a humble request of the applicant to the most respected sir not to put a screen on the corruption, but it must be rooted out by taking harsh steps against it because it is growing like jungle fire in the government machinery which everyone knows. Think about the gravity of situation, the money deposited in the accounts of a person in bank is no safer because of the corruption in the financial institutions because of dereliction of duty by the public staff because such things are resulting due to no action against the criminal elements. Police is not registering the first information report in the matter of cyber crime and bank is not taking any action on the flimsy ground that no first information report registered by the police whether such things are not reflecting deep rooted corruption and anarchy in the government machinery. Who is providing us good governance as claimed by our political masters if there is such anarchy in our government machinery?

Appeal Details

Appeal Number


Date of Receipt


Appeal Text

It is observed that you have registered two complaint with RBI Ombudsman Office on same subject. Complaint N202324023382700 dated 02/11/2023 is currently being processed and response from CRIF is still awaited. Therefore, this complaint is closed as duplicate. Undoubtedly your claim is justified if there may be transparency and accountability in your dealings but when the corruption is rampant in the department and there is no effective control of the regulatory body on it and grievances are arbitrarily closed then such claims are meaningless. Think about the gravity of situation arbitrary and inconsistent reports are submitted by the financial institutions without taking the Perusal of the contents of the grievances and accepted by the accountable public staff which are not only irritating but also reflection of anarchy in the government machinery. It is quite obvious that you made the arbitrary and inconsistent comment in the matter of deep-rooted corruption as follows. It is observed that you have directly approached RBI Ombudsman Office without first registering your complaint with Credit information Company (CIC). You have neither provided any copy of complaint made with CIC nor provided any proof complaint made with CIC. You are therefore advised to first register your complaint with CIC. You can approach this office again if CIC will not provide any response within 30 days. While the matter of fact is that 13 bank accounts were updated with my PAN By the financial institutions in this country. KCC Loan has been taken by misusing my PAN and repeated applications made before you which means regulatory body of the financial institutions and no action taken in the matter. Whether it is fair practice to close the grievances without submitting a proper logical report in the matter. It is quite obvious that corruption originates from such cryptic dealings of the accountable staff whose only job is to facilitate corruption in the government machinery.

Current Status

Appeal Received

Officer Concerns To

Officer Name

Chandini Moolchandani (RBI Ombudsman Kanpur)

Organisation name

Reserve Bank of India

Contact Address

M.G. Road, Post Box No.8,2 Kanpur Kanpur

Email Address

Contact Number


Gmail Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <>

Closure Intimation for Complaint N202324023382714 against CRIF High Mark Credit Information Services Private Limited

1 message

RBI CSM Team <> 3 November 2023 at 15:29


To: "" <>

भारतीय  रिज़र्व  बैंक

Reserve Bank of India

केंद्रीय प्राप्ति और प्रसंस्करण केंद्र

        Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre (CRPC)

आरबीआई/सीएमएस/N202324023382714/ 2023-24                                                                   दिनांक: 03-11-2023 

RBI/CMS/N202324023382714/ 2023-24                                      Date: 03-11-2023

श्री/सुश्री Yogi M P Singh

Shri/Ms.Yogi M P Singh

Mohalla Surekapuram Colony Shri Laxmi Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir Shri Laxmi Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir


Madam/Dear Sir

CRIF High Mark Credit Information Services Private Limited के विरुद्ध शिकायत N202324023382714 कोबंद करने की सूचना

Closure Intimation for Complaint N202324023382714  against CRIF High Mark Credit Information Services Private Limited

कृपया रिज़र्व बैंक - एकीकृत लोकपाल योजना, 2021 के तहत 02-11-2023 11:34:00 को सीएमएस पोर्टल/ ईमेल/ पत्र के माध्यम से CRIF High Mark Credit Information Services Private Limitedके विरुद्ध दर्ज अपनी शिकायत का संदर्भ लें। 

Please refer to your complaint against CRIF High Mark Credit Information Services Private Limited filed through the CMS portal/ email/ letter dated 02-11-2023 11:34:00,underthe Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021

2.   यह देखा गया है कि आपने एक ही विषय पर आरबीआई लोकपाल कार्यालय में दो शिकायतें दर्ज की हैं। शिकायत N202324023382700 दिनांक 02/11/2023 पर वर्तमान में कार्रवाई की जा रही है और CRIF से प्रतिक्रिया अभी भी प्रतीक्षित है। इसलिए, यह शिकायत डुप्लिकेट के रूप में बंद कर दी गई है।

It is observed that you have registered two complaint with RBI Ombudsman Office on same subject. Complaint N202324023382700 dated 02/11/2023 is currently being processed and response from CRIF is still awaited. Therefore, this complaint is closed as duplicate.

3.तदनुसार, आपकी शिकायत को अस्‍वीकार्य वर्गीकृत किया गया है और रिज़र्व बैंक - एकीकृत लोकपाल योजना, 2021  के खंड 16(1)(a)10(2)(b)(i), जिसे निम्‍नप्रकार पढा जाए, के तहत बंद किया जाता है:

“Complaint is non-maintainable under Clause 16(1)(a) read with clause 10 (2) (b) (i) of the Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021 : the complaint is ‘Pending before / Dealt with/ Settled by an Ombudsman'”

3. Your complaint has accordingly been classified as Non-Maintainable and closed under clause 16(1)(a)10(2)(b)(i) of the Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme,2021, which reads as under:

“Complaint is non-maintainable under Clause 16(1)(a) read with clause 10 (2) (b) (i) of the Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021 : the complaint is ‘Pending before / Dealt with/ Settled by an Ombudsman'”

4. कृपया ध्यान दें कि उपर्युक्त खंड के तहत बंद की गई शिकायतें रिज़र्व बैंक - एकीकृत लोकपाल योजना, 2021 के तहत अपील योग्य नहीं हैं।

4. Please note that the complaints closed under the above clause are non-appealable under the Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021

5. यह आरबीआई लोकपाल या आरबीआई उप लोकपाल के अनुमोदन से जारी किया जा रहा है।

5. This is issued with the approval of RBI Ombudsman or Deputy RBI Ombudsman.

6. इसके संबंध में कोईसूचना/ स्‍पष्‍टीकरण हेतु, आप “Toll Free Number:14448 (Between 8:00AM- 10:00PM)” पर  संपर्क कर सकते हैं। लोकपालयोजना के विवरण या पर उपलब्‍ध है।

6. For any information/clarification, you may approach us on “Toll Free Number: 14448 (Between 8:00AM - 10:00PM)”.The details of the Ombudsman Scheme are available at or

7. यह एक सिस्‍टम जनरेटड पत्र है और इसमें हस्‍ताक्षर की आवश्‍यकता नहीं है। इस ई मेल के लिए उत्‍तर न दें। इस ईमेल पर प्रेषित उत्‍तर के लिए किसी     भी प्रकार का जवाब नहीं दिया जा सकता।

7. This is a system generated letter and does not require a signature. Please do not reply to this email. Replies to this email cannot be responded to.



आरबीआई सीआरपीसी


To see the communication exchanged with credit information company Crif, please click on the link

To see the CIBIL report provided by the branch manager city branch Mirzapur, click on the link


An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist.

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