Pritesh Kumar sent documents to nodal officer to provide information concerning tyranny and arbitrariness in the working of women's hospital

Beerbhadra Singh <>

Inactive ID Notification.
1 message

Mail Notification <>Wed, Oct 19, 2022, at 3:15 PM
You have received this notification, as the recipient's e-mail Address has been deactivated.

Original Envelope Sender:
Envelope Recipient:
Date: 10/19/22
Time: 15:15:10
Subject: The information seeker had attached the document, but the RTI portal did not upload it. After Afterall applicant has attached the required document and consequently process the request.

Message Administrator
Beerbhadra Singh <>

The information seeker had attached the document, but the RTI portal did not upload it. After Afterall applicant has attached the required document and consequently processed the request.

Chief Minister Office Uttar Pradesh <>Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 3:21 PM
प्रिय महोदय,
        आपका ईमेल मुख्यमंत्री कार्यालय के आधिकारिक ईमेल पर प्राप्त हुआ है.  यदि आपका ईमेल जनशिकायत श्रेणी का है तो आपको सविनय अवगत कराना है कि मुख्यमंत्री कार्यालय, उ०प्र० द्वारा जनता की शिकायतों को दर्ज किए जाने हेतु उ०प्र० सरकार का आधिकारिक ऑनलाइन पोर्टल 'जन-सुनवाई' विकसित किया गया है जिसका वेब एड्रेस नीचे दिया गया है -
आपसे निवेदन है कि अपनी शिकायतों के त्‍वरित निस्‍तारण हेतु जनसुनवाई पोर्टल का प्रयोग करें
मुख्‍यमंत्री कार्यालय, उ०प्र०
नोट- वेबसाइट या जनसुनवाई के मोबाइल app के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन दर्ज की गयी शिकायतों के निस्तारण की समीक्षा भी मुख्यमंत्री कार्यालय द्वारा गहनता से की जाती है |
जनसुनवाई मोबाइल app डाउनलोड करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें|
शिकायत के वेबसाइट पर दर्ज होने के पश्चात की प्रक्रिया -
 आपके मोबाइल पर sms/ईमेल के माध्यम से चौदह अंकों की शिकायत/सन्दर्भ पंजीकरण संख्या प्राप्त होगी | इस पंजीकरण संख्या एवं दर्ज मोबाइल नंबर/ईमेल के माध्यम से आप किसी भी समय अपनी शिकायत की स्थिति सीधे वेबसाइट या मोबाइल app पर देख सकते हैं एवं निस्तारण के पश्चात निस्तारण आख्या भी देख सकते हैं |
 इसके अतिरिक्त किसी भी स्तर पर शिकायत के अधिक समय तक लंबित रहने पर आप अपनी शिकायत का रिमाइंडर भी भेज सकते हैं तथा निस्तारण आख्या से असंतुष्टि की दशा में अपना फीडबैक भी पोर्टल पर दर्ज कर सकते हैं| आपके फीडबैक का मूल्यांकन निस्तारणकर्ता अधिकारी से एक स्तर उच्च अधिकारी द्वारा किया जाएगा|
मूल्यांकन में आपकी आपत्तियों से सहमति की दशा में आपका संदर्भ/शिकायत पुनर्जीवित हो जायेगी, तथा उसका पुनः परीक्षण कर गुणवत्तापूर्ण निस्तारण सुनिश्चित किया जाएगा|

Beerbhadra Singh <>

The information seeker had attached the document, but the RTI portal did not upload it. After all, the applicant has attached the required document and consequently process the request.
1 message

Beerbhadra Singh <>Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 3:14 PM
To: RTI-Online <>,,,, Governor Uttar Pradesh <>, Presidents Secretariat <>,
With due respect, the appellant invites the kind attention of the Honourable Sir to the following submissions as follows.
1-I pray before the Honourable Sir that  51A. Fundamental duties It shall be the duty of every citizen of India (a) to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem;(h) to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform;
(i) to safeguard public property and to abjure violence;

(j) to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement.

2-It is submitted before the Honourable Sir that the email of the nodal officer is not working since the beginning Email-ID and numerous representations have been submitted but no action on the part of him only false assurances on the public grievance portal and Jansunwai portal. Please take a glance at the 
Inactive ID Notification.

Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2022, 6:57 pm
Subject: Inactive ID Notification.
To: <>
You have received this notification, as the recipient's e-mail Address has been deactivated.
Original Envelope Sender:
Envelope Recipient:
Date: 10/08/22
Time: 18:57:54
Subject: Here concerned PIO is the PIO of the public authority who is currently the file custodian of the email forwarded by the office of the president and processing it.
For more details visit the following links to be apprised of the anarchy of the concerned office. 

Deactivation of email of nodal officer is the concern of aggrieved so C.R.O. only misled the complainant by deviating attention
3-I pray before the Honourable Sir that the Message Administrator of the RTI Portal of Uttar Pradesh sent the following message as follows.
Gmail Beerbhadra Singh <>
RTI Online - Request Returned Back To Applicant.
1 message
RTI-Online <> Mon, Oct 17, 2022, at 11:42 AM
Reply-To: RTI-Online <>
To: Pritesh Kumar <>
Dear Sir/Madam,

This is with reference to your request registered to vide Registration number DMOMR/R/2022/60086

Your Request has been disposed of by this office.

Please log on to to check the final status of your request.
Note:-This is a system-generated mail. Please do not reply to it - ADMIN
4-It is submitted before the Honourable Sir that the following is the status of the RTI request submitted on the RTI portal by the applicant. 
Registration Number DMOMR/R/2022/60086
Name Pritesh Kumar
Date of Filing 16/10/2022
Remarks:- Ple. attach PDF file., now the file is attached with this representation. 
  Nodal Officer Details  
Name Satya Prakash Singh
Telephone Number 9454416808

5-I pray before the Honourable Sir that the following are the RTI request details. 
Online RTI Request Form Details
Public Authority Details:-
Personal Details of RTI Applicant:-
Registration Number DMOMR/R/2022/60086
Date of Filing 16/10/2022
* Name Pritesh Kumar
Gender Male
* Address Danghar Pathrahiya , Mirzapur city
Pincode 231001
State Uttar Pradesh
Educational Status Literate
Phone Number Details not provided
Mobile Number +91-6393878790
Email-ID myogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com
Citizenship Indian
* Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line? Yes
BPL Card No.
(Proof of BPL may be provided as an attachment) 119910000830
Year of Issue 2016
Issuing Authority DSO Mirzapur
RTI Application Details u/s 6(1) :-
((Description of Information sought (up to 500 characters) )
* Description of Information Sought This R.T.I. Request has a document attached to it in PDF form. This document consists of two pages. The first page contains the Ration card of the information seeker and the report of S.P. City Shrikant Prajapati addressed S.P. Mirzapur and the second page of the attached document is the enquiry report submitted before Uttar Pradesh Human Rights Commission Lucknow under the signature of 1-Dr. U.N. Singh, District Tuberculosis officer, Mirzapur, 2- C.O. City, Prabhat Rai, 3-Dr. Kiran Kala, senior specialist of women's diseases and 4-Dr Vivek Singh, Child disease specialist S.N.C.U. Woman hospital Mirzapur. 
State Public Information Officer/ chief medical officer Mirzapur may provide the following information to the information seeker as follows. 
1-According to the available X-Ray report, delivery was to take place in the month of June 2022 and your three doctors in the report found the patient in labour pain at the beginning of the month of April 2022. 
Please provide the test carried out by the three doctors as mentioned in the report or any other thing on which findings are based. 
2-Please provide a copy of the consent of the information seeker in which the information seeker opposed the process of surgery so that the applicant may know when they managed to get the sign of the applicant and how? 
3-Please provide the discharge report made on 16 April 2022 when the patient was first discharged and the time and name of staff carried out the process as well. 
4-Please provide the time when the patient was readmitted and name of the staff who processed it and the time span between discharge and readmission. 
5- Please provide the discharge report made on 16 April 2022 finally after the expiration of the patient. After all, it is an obligatory duty of the caretakers of patients to take discharge reports of the patients, but nothing was provided by the women's hospital in Mirzapur. 
Please provide the aforementioned five points of information to the information seeker so that commission may be apprised of the factual position of the case.
* Concerned PIO Nodal Officer
Designation Details not provided
Phone No Details not provided
Email Id Details not provided
Supporting document ((only pdf up to 1 MB)) Supporting document not provided

बर्बाद गुलिस्तां करने को बस एक ही उल्लू काफी है/ 

हर शाख पे उल्लू बैठें हैं अंजाम ऐ गुलिस्तां क्या होगा।

 ‘बर्बाद ऐ गुलशन कि खातिर बस एक ही उल्लू काफी था/ 

हर शाख पर उल्लू बैठा है अंजाम ऐ गुलशन क्या होगा।’

This is a humble request of your applicant to you, Hon’ble Sir, how can it be justified to withhold public services arbitrarily and promote anarchy, lawlessness and chaos arbitrarily by making a mockery of the law of land? There is a need of the hour to take harsh steps against the wrongdoer to win the confidence of the citizenry and strengthen the democratic values for healthy and prosperous democracy. For this, your appellant shall ever pray for you, Hon’ble Sir.

Date-19/10/2022                                Yours appellant
                                     Pritesh Kumar S/O Lal Chandra
                    Danghar Pathrahiya, Mirzapur city    Pincode 231001           State Uttar Pradesh
Mobile Number-639387879


