Name of medical practitioner providing medical certificate for D.L. renewal must be accessible in public domain
Your RTI Appeal filed successfully.
Please note down the details of registration.
Registration Number :CTRNS/A/2024/60107
Name :Yogi M P Singh
Date of Filing :10-05-2024
Request filed with :Commissioner Transport
Contact Details
Telephone Number :18001800151
Contents of the appeal submitted by the appellant.
From the following status of the RTI application it is quite obvious that RTI application was submitted by the appellant on 7th April 2024 which was forwarded to the concerned public information officer on 6th May 2024 which is a mockery of the provisions of right to information act 2005 and action must be taken against the nodal officer of the department. Registration Number CTRNS/R/2024/60091
Name Yogi M P Singh
Date of Filing 07/04/2024
Status REQUEST FORWARDED TO PIO as on 06/05/2024
Details of PIO :- Telephone Number:- , Email Id:-
Note :- You are advised to contact the above mentioned officer for further details.
I think that the nodal officer of the department is an incompetent and careless person who is taking the submitted online rti applications negligently. This must be taken into account by the concerned responsible officers of the department. According to subsection 3 of section 6 of the right to information act 2005, RTI application is transferred to the other public authority within one week from the date of receipt of the RTI application but here more than one month was taken by the nodal officer to transfer the rti application to the concerned public information officer. Moreover, the entire process was online and nodal officer had to transfer the rti application to the concerned public information officer at the earliest and this dereliction to the duty is only reflecting the mismanagement in the working of the nodal officer.
Nodal officer must provide the reason for not providing the email and official mobile number to the RTI portal which is essential as well as mandatory in accordance with the guidelines passed by the Apex Court of India also in compliance with the guidelines of the Department of administrative reform. Here it is quite obvious that the name, email and mobile number of the public information officer has not been provided in the status of the RTI application which is a mockery of the guidelines issued by the Department of administrative reform government of Uttar Pradesh.
Right to information act 2005 was introduced by the government of India during the regime of Congress to promote transparency and accountability in the working of the public authorities so that growing corruption in the working of public authorities might be controlled but it seems that growing corruption in the working of public authorities has overshadowed the provisions of right to information act which is matter of concern. Everyone knows that corruption always benefits a small outfit so transparency and accountability must be promoted in the government machinery but it seems that the right to information act 2005 has been put into the dustbin by the responsible officers in the state through conspiracy and cryptic working style.