C.O. Lalganj Mirzapur submitted same arbitrary inconsistent report


Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2023/0049352

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Ashok Kumar Maurya

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Uttar Pradesh

Grievance Description

Station house officer police station Jigna district Mirzapur may provide the reason of implicating the applicant under section 107 and section 116 of the criminal procedure code as it is blatant misuse of the provisions of the criminal procedure code by the police even after the obvious guidelines issued by the High Court of judicature Allahabad.

दिनांक- जुलाई 2023

(मंजरी राव) क्षेत्राधिकारी लालगंज: मीरजापुर।

प्रश्नगत प्रकरण की जांच के क्रम में थाना जिगना के आख्या के अवलोकन व जाँच से पाया गया कि आवेदक कुमार (मौर्या पुत्र मुरलीधर मौर्या निवासी बिहसड़ा खुर्द थाना जिगना जनपद मीरजापुर के घर के पास विपक्षी अशोक गुलाब चन्द्र मौर्या पुत्र रामदेव मौर्या निवासी बिहसड़ा खुर्द थाना जिगना जनपद मीरजापुर का खेत( जमीन ) है तथा आवेदक करता जमीन) विपक्षी के खेत (जमीन) के बाद है। विपक्षी गुलाब चन्द्र मौर्या उपरोक्त अपने खेत में मकान बना रहा था तो आवेदक द्वारा विपक्षी के मकान को बनने से रोकने के लिए मा० न्यायालय में वाद संख्या दाखिल करने पर मा0 न्यायालय द्वारा मकान निर्माण पर स्टे करने का आदेश के अनुपालन में विपक्षी गुलाब मौर्या उपरोक्त को मकान निर्माण करने से रोकवाया गया है। विपक्षी गुलाब मौर्या को मा० न्यायालय के आदेश से अवगत करा दिया गया है।

Undoubtedly it is welcome step taken by the Jigna police by stopping the construction of the house on the controversial land.

शान्ति व्यवस्था के दृष्टिगत जिगना पुलिस द्वारा उभय पक्षो के विरुद्ध धारा 107/116 सीआरपीसी की कार्यवाही दिनांक 27.07.2023 को की गयी है।

Honourable Sir, whether there is breach of peace if the applicant is taking shelter in the court of law for justice or if the applicant submitted representations before the concerned police in order to get the compliance of the court order ipso facto?

Right to reason is the indispensable part of sound administrative system and it is the obligatory duty of the station house officer Jigna total the reason how has he reached on the conclusion that there is apprehension of breach of peace by the applicant 4 has been fabricated by him under section 107 / 116 of the criminal procedure code.

Whether the station house officer Jigna district Mirzapur used his discretion before implicating the applicant under section 107 / 116 of the criminal procedure code?

Everyone knows that proceedings under Section 151/107/116. of the Cr. P.C. are only preventive measures and not pure criminal proceedings, but such proceedings are of quasi-judicial nature.

Whoever seek redressal of their grievances by submitting online applications on the Jansunwai portal of the government of Uttar Pradesh, concerned sub-inspector fabricate them under Section 107/116. of the Cr. P.C in most of the cases.

According to the circular issued by the department of home government of Uttar Pradesh dated 9th September 2021 which prohibits the misuse of the Section 151/107/116. of the Cr. P.C. which categorically states that misusers policemen of the aforementioned sections of the criminal procedure code will be panelised with the pecuniary penalty of the Rs.25,000. The scan copy of the circular is attached to the grievance as page one of the attached PDF documents.

Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2023/0042938

Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant-Ashok Kumar Maurya, Date of Receipt-04/07/2023, Received By Ministry/Department-Uttar Pradesh

This grievance redressed by the station house officer Jigna district Mirzapur by submitting an arbitrary and inconsistent report. Honourable Sir may be pleased to take a glance of these reports.

How can it be justified that station house officer police station Jigna district Mirzapur may submit report in the form of clutters quite obvious from his reports attached to the grievance which are only concocted stories not relevant to the contents of the grievance?

If there was apprehension of breach of peace from the applicant then station house officer police station Jigna district Mirzapur must meditate on it that why the applicant took shelter in the court of law in order to get justice.

Grievance Document

Current Status

Case closed   

Date of Action



महोदय, जाँच आख्या संलग्न है महोदय, जाँच आख्या संलग्न है श्रीमान जी आख्या सादर सेवा में प्रेषित है

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Shri Bhaskar Pandey (Joint Secretary)

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Government of Uttar Pradesh

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Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow

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Beerbhadra Singh

To write blogs and applications for the deprived sections who can not raise their voices to stop their human rights violations by corrupt bureaucrats and executives.

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