Matter concerning embezzlement of public funds concerning cowsheds in development block Chhanbey is not being taken seriously by B.D.O.


Grievance Status for registration number: PMOPG/E/2022/0335053

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Yogi M P Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Prime Ministers Office

Grievance Description

How the report of Block development officer Chhanvey, District-Mirzapur may be considered satisfactory if made available report itself contrary to earlier reports made available and providing substantial evidence of siphoning of the public fund by the concerned staff.  खंड विकास अधिकारी छानवे, जिला-मिर्जापुर की रिपोर्ट को संतोषजनक कैसे माना जा सकता है यदि पहले उपलब्ध कराई गई रिपोर्टों के विपरीत रिपोर्ट उपलब्ध कराई जाती है और संबंधित कर्मचारियों द्वारा सार्वजनिक निधि के गबन के पर्याप्त सबूत प्रदान किए जाते हैं।

आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण :शिकायत संख्या:-60000220195729 आवेदक का नाम-Yogi M. P. Singhविषय-The matter concerns the working of the chief veterinary officer Mirzapur and Block Development Officer Chhanbey, District-Mirzapur and information made available by the Block Development Officer Chhanbey attached to this grievance. Rs.14.07 Lakh was spent on the construction of temporary cowsheds in the financial year 2018-19 and Rs.1973452 was spent to upkeep cows in the financial year 2019-20. Consequently the total fund spent-33.8 Lakh approximately. Where is description of total fund spent-33.8 Lakh in the report of the Block development officer Chhanvey, District-Mirzapur approved by chief development officer Mirzapur. There is a scam of Lakhs of rupees in the construction of temporary cowsheds and the chief development officer is putting carpet on it. Documents are attached to support the claim of the complainant. 

प्राप्त फीडबैक -दिनांक06-12-2022 को फीडबैक:-फीडबैक अप्राप्त फीडबैक की स्थिति -मुख्य विकास अधिकारी द्वारा संतोषजनक में परिवर्तितश्रीमान जी खंड विकास अधिकारी छानवे जनपद मिर्जापुर प्रार्थी को 33.8 लाख रुपए का हिसाब दे जो उनके द्वारा वित्तीय वर्ष 2018-19 और वित्तीय वर्ष 2,019-20 में खर्च किया गया है। श्रीमान जी जो खर्च खंड विकास अधिकारी छानवे जनपद मिर्जापुर द्वारा उपलब्ध कराया गया है वह उपरोक्त धनराशि का आधा भी नहीं है अर्थात जो खर्च नहीं दिखाया गया है वह पूरा का पूरा धन बंदरबांट कर दिया गया यदि खर्च ही नहीं किए हैं तो दिखाएंगे कहां से महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न तो यह है आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण शिकायत संख्या -60000220195729 आवेदक का नाम-Yogi M. P. Singhविषय-The matter concerns the working of the chief veterinary officer Mirzapur and Block Development Officer Chhanbey, District-Mirzapur and information made available by the Block Development Officer Chhanbey attached to this grievance. Rs.14.07 Lakh was spent on the construction of temporary cowsheds in the financial year 2018-19 and Rs.1973452 was spent to upkeep cows in the financial year 2019-20. In village panchayat, Rasauli, development block-Chhanbey, district-Mirzapur, the financial year 2018-19, a temporary cowshed was made. The Funds spent on the material-5.88 Lakh and on labourers Rs. 1.19 Lakh in the form of wages and others. In village panchayat, Nibi Gaharwar, development block-Chhanbey, district-Mirzapur, the financial year 2018-19, a temporary cowshed was made. The Funds spent on the material-5.30 Lakh and on labourers Rs. 1.70 Lakh in the form of wages and others. In village panchayat, Rasauli, development block-Chhanbey, district-Mirzapur, the financial year 2019-20, no temporary cowshed was made. The Funds spent on the material-Rs.0 and on labourers Rs. 766554 in the form of wages and others. In village panchayat, Nibi Gaharwar, development block-Chhanbey, district-Mirzapur, the financial year 2019-20, no temporary cowshed was made. The Funds spent on the material-Rs.0 and on labourers Rs. 1206898 in the form of wages and others. Here a matter of fact is if a cow shed has not been constructed, then where has gone this huge fund provided by the government of Uttar Pradesh in the financial year 2019-20 to chief veterinary officer Mirzapur and Block Development Officer Chhanbey, District-Mirzapur? श्रीमान जी प्रार्थी गणित का परास्नातक का छात्र रहा है और खुद स्नातक के छात्रों को गणित और भौतिक विज्ञान पढ़ाई करता था अभी 2 साल हुए ही विश्राम लिए श्रीमान जी मुख्य चिकित्सा अधिकारी को इस तरह से प्रार्थी को भ्रमित नहीं करना चाहिए इस समय जो रिपोर्ट लगी है उसमें जो ब्यौरा दिया गया

Grievance Document

Current Status

Case closed

Date of Action



अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित jach adhikari ki jach preshit hai.

Reply Document




Rating Remarks

Sir, report of Block Development Officer Chhanvey Mirzapur dated 18 November 2022 was presented in the earlier complaint. In this complaint, on the basis of the same report, the concerned public authority has been charged of siphoning the public fund by the applicant. The most surprising thing is that the same old report has been presented by the Block Development Officer again in the case i.e. the Block Development Officer has not been able to refute the allegations made. This proves that the allegation of evasion is completely authentic, and the Block Development Officer has nothing to say on it, now it is the responsibility of the State Government to fix accountability in the matter. Sir, it is the morality of every public authority to refute the allegations levelled against it, but here there is no effect on the concerned officer. It is not necessary that everyone should not do wrong because he is afraid of being punished, but not because he does not want to do wrong. Here it is

Officer Concerns To

Officer Name

Shri Bhaskar Pandey (Joint Secretary)

Organisation name

Government of Uttar Pradesh

Contact Address

Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow

Email Address

Contact Number


All the PDF Documents attached to the grievance are the communications of B.D.O. Chhanbey itself. To see the documents, click on this link

Beerbhadra Singh

To write blogs and applications for the deprived sections who can not raise their voices to stop their human rights violations by corrupt bureaucrats and executives.

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