Sangmohal bridge was constructed 7 years ago but municipality did made road under it and people passing through it face mud due to rain


Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2023/0054429

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Mahesh Pratap Singh alias Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Uttar Pradesh

Grievance Description

The matter concerns the working of the executive officer Municipality Mirzapur City. Think about the credibility of the reports submitted on the Jansunwai portal of the Government of Uttar Pradesh by executive officer municipality Mirzapur City. Executive officer must disclose the reason why did he not keep his promise made in the report submitted by him on the Jansunwai portal of the Government off Uttar Pradesh. The applicant reminds him about the following grievance submitted by the applicant on the public grievance portal of the Government of India redressed by the government of Uttar Pradesh through Jansunwai portal.

Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2022/65504 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Yogi M. P. Singh Date of Receipt-22/08/2022

Received By Ministry/Department-Uttar Pradesh

Municipality prepared estimates of Rs.3228285 for interlocking road under Sangmohal overbridge after 7 years of construction of bridge.

Municipality prepared estimates of Rs.3228285 for interlocking road on 05.09.2022 but in one year they did nothing which is mirror of development.

Following is the report submitted by the city engineer on the ground of the inspection report of the junior engineer.

कार्यालय नगरपालिका परिषद, मीरजापुर जनसुनवाई सन्दर्भ से 60000220143535

सेवा में

अधिशासी अधिकारी, मीरजापुर।.

कृपया जनसुनवाई संन्दर्भ सं0-60000220143535 का संदर्भ ग्रहण करने का कष्ट करें, जिसमें श्री योगी एम०पी० सिंह निवासी- सुरेकापुरम लक्ष्मीनारायण मन्दिर मीरजापुर द्वारा इण्टरलाकिंग लगाने के संबंध में शिकायत किया गया है अवर अभियन्ता द्वारा स्थल का निरीक्षण कराया गया है, संदर्भित स्थल पर इण्टरलाकिंग से रास्ता का निर्माण कार्य का आगणन धनांक- 3228285.00 का तैयार किया गया है। धन उपलब्धता के आधार पर सक्षम अधिकारी से स्वीकृतोपरान्त कार्य को करा दिया जायेगा। उक्त आख्या श्री मनोज कुमार सोनकर अवर अभियन्ता मी० number-9128443406 द्वारा दिनांक 05.09.2022 को दी गयी निरीक्षण आख्या के आधार पर है। अतएव उक्त के परिप्रेक्ष्य में शिकायत का निस्तारण करने का कष्ट करें।

नगर अभियन्ता,

नगर पालिका परिषद, मीरजापुर

PDF documents attached to this grievance contains two pages one of them is the communication of the city engineer municipality Mirzapur City addressed to the executive officer municipality Mirzapur City. The other communication belongs to the office of the deputy project manager Uttar Pradesh state bridge Corporation limited, bridge manufacturing unit dated 21st June 2022.

Grievance Document

Current Status

Grievance received   

Date of Action


Officer Concerns To

Forwarded to

Uttar Pradesh

Officer Name

Shri Bhaskar Pandey (Joint Secretary)

Organisation name

Uttar Pradesh

Contact Address

Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow

Email Address

Contact Number


Reminder(s) / Clarification(s)

Reminder Date



It is most unfortunate that near about one year passed but concerned did not take any step in the direction to construct interlocking and common people are making their cloths and shoes dirty including students as it is raining. Office of Municipal Council, Mirzapur public hearing reference 60000220143535 Executive Officer, Mirzapur. Kindly please refer to public hearing reference number 0-60000220143535, in which Shri Yogi M.P.Singh resident-Surekapuram Lakshminarayan Mandir Mirzapur has complained regarding the installation of interlocking. The estimate of the construction work of the road has been prepared Rs.3228285.00. Based on the availability of funds, the work will be done after approval from the competent authority. The above report is based on the inspection report given by Mr. Manoj Kumar Sonkar, Junior Engineer Mobile number-9129443406 on 05.09.2022. Therefore, please try to settle the complaint in the light of the above. city engineer Nagar Palika Parishad, Mirzapur

Beerbhadra Singh

To write blogs and applications for the deprived sections who can not raise their voices to stop their human rights violations by corrupt bureaucrats and executives.

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