Status Verified By Sub- District/ Block and Pending for Approval at District Level

Grievance Status for registration number : DOAAC/E/2023/0054878

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Grievance Description

Agriculture and Farmers Welfare >> PMKISAN related issues >> Approval of documents by State Govt.

Status Verified By Sub- District/ Block and Pending for Approval at District Level which implies that agriculture officer, district-Mirzapur is procrastinating on the online application submitted for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi submitted by the applicant itself.

आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण : शिकायत संख्या:-40019923010982 आवेदक का नाम-Yogi M. P. Singh

विषय-An application under Article 51 A of the constitution of India to make an enquiry regarding the procedure adopted by the office of the agriculture officer district Mirzapur in the matter of the application received from the portal of Central Government prime minister Kisan Samman Nidhi. Following is the current status of the application submitted to the prime minister Kisan Samman Nidhi portal of the Government of India. FARMER APPLICATION STATUS Farmer Name-Mahesh Pratap Singh State-UTTAR PRADESH Father Name- Rajendra Pratap Singh Aadhaar No. 548614669009, Account No. 059610182514 of Indian Post payment Bank District-MIRZAPUR Registration Date - 21-03-2023 Status Verified By Sub- District/ Block and Pending for Approval at District Level Whether there is no time bound action plan in regard to processing of the applications received from the prime minister Kisan Samman Nidhi portal of the farmers submitted online. If really you have adopted a transparent mechanism in dealing with the online applications received from the prime minister Kisan Samman Nidhi portal then you must disclose it to the applicant as the need of the hour. Please provide the name and designations of the entire staff of the department of agriculture district Mirzapur who processed the aforementioned application of the applicant submitted online on the prime minister Kisan Samman Nidhi portal of the Government by the applicant itself. Public aid to farmers under P.M. Kisan Samman nidhi are not reaching to the needy because of intermediaries and agents working in the field. I need your help as no one is paying heed to my grievances in the state.

Grievance Document

Current Status

Under process   

Date of Action


Officer Concerns To

Officer Name

Dr. Pramod Kumar Meherda (Additional Secretary)

Organisation name

Farmers Welfare

Contact Address

Room No. 131 First FloorKrishi BhavanNew Delhi

Email Address

Contact Number


Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2023/0036876

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Mahesh Pratap Singh alias Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Uttar Pradesh

Grievance Description

Status Verified By Sub- District/ Block and Pending for Approval at District Level which implies that agriculture officer, district-Mirzapur is procrastinating on the online application submitted for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi submitted by the applicant itself. 

आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण : शिकायत संख्या:-40019923010982 आवेदक का नाम-Yogi M. P. Singh

विषय-An application under Article 51 A of the constitution of India to make an enquiry regarding the procedure adopted by the office of the agriculture officer district Mirzapur in the matter of the application received from the portal of Central Government prime minister Kisan Samman Nidhi. Following is the current status of the application submitted to the prime minister Kisan Samman Nidhi portal of the Government of India. FARMER APPLICATION STATUS Farmer Name-Mahesh Pratap Singh State-UTTAR PRADESH Father Name- Rajendra Pratap Singh Aadhaar No. 548614669009, Account No. 059610182514 of Indian Post payment Bank District-MIRZAPUR Registration Date - 21-03-2023 Status Verified By Sub- District/ Block and Pending for Approval at District Level Whether there is no time bound action plan in regard to processing of the applications received from the prime minister Kisan Samman Nidhi portal of the farmers submitted online. If really you have adopted a transparent mechanism in dealing with the online applications received from the prime minister Kisan Samman Nidhi portal then you must disclose it to the applicant as the need of the hour. Please provide the name and designations of the entire staff of the department of agriculture district Mirzapur who processed the aforementioned application of the applicant submitted online on the prime minister Kisan Samman Nidhi portal of the Government by the applicant itself. Public aid to farmers under P.M. Kisan Samman nidhi are not reaching to the needy because of intermediaries and agents working in the field. 

कृषि अधिकारी बन किसानों को ठगने वाला पकड़ा गया पटेहरा। 

मड़िहान क्षेत्र में कृषि अधिकारी बनकर लोगों से प्रधानमंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि के तहत पैसा दिलवाने के नाम पर किसानों से ठगी कर रहे युवक को ग्रामीणों की मदद से पकड़ लिया गया। युवक क्षेत्र के पटेहराकला, मलुआ, पडरिया कला, अमोई समेत कई गांवों में छह माह से किसानों से रुपये वसूल रहा था। कृषि अधिकारी बनकर वसूली कर रहे युवक की जानकारी ग्रामीणों ने शुक्रवार को भाजपा युवा मोर्चा जिला उपाध्यक्ष सोनू सिंह को दी। मौके पर पहुंचे भाजयुमो जिला उपाध्यक्ष ने युवक को पकड़कर पटेहरा राजकीय बीज गोदाम प्रभारी को बुलाकर सुपुर्द कर दिया। पटेहरा राजकीय बीज गोदाम प्रभारी विमल कुमार कार्रवाई की बात कर युवक को अपने साथ ले गए

Because of corruption the government assistance to the farmers under the prime minister office sponsored scheme are not reaching the needy.तरित ऑनलाइन सन्दर्भ 27-05-2023 उप निदेशक,कृषि विभाग -मिर्ज़ापुर,कृषि विभाग 27-05-2023 अवगत कराना कि बीज गोदाम प्रभारी विमल कुमार पटेल जी से वार्ता करने पर बताया गया कि ग्रामीणों द्वारा उस युवक को चेतावनी देकर छोउ़ दिया गया और कहा गया कि अगर भविष्य में ऐसी कोई गलती करता है तो उसके खिलाफ एफ0आई0आर0 दर्ज कराया जायेगा। निस्तारित

प्राप्त फीडबैक -दिनांक28-05-2023 को फीडबैक:-महोदय भ्रष्टाचार के प्रकरण में झूठी रिपोर्ट लगाने से ही भ्रष्टाचार बढ़ता है महोदय अमर उजाला दैनिक हिंदी की रिपोर्ट से स्पष्ट है कि ग्रामीणों द्वारा उस व्यक्ति को पकड़कर बीज गोदाम प्रभारी को सौंपा गया है किंतु बीज गोदाम प्रभारी द्वारा उसे छोड़ा गया है ना कि ग्रामीणों द्वारा नहीं तो न्यूज़ दूसरा होता यदि न्यूज़ को आधार माना जाए तो बीज गोदाम प्रभारी को उस व्यक्ति को सौंपा गया है क्योंकि वह व्यक्ति वास्तव में विभाग से जुड़ा था इसलिए बीज गोदाम प्रभारी द्वारा छोड़ दिया गया उसको ग्रामीणों ने नहीं छोड़ा था अगर ग्रामीणों को छोड़ना होता तो गोदाम प्रभारी को क्यों सौंपते उस व्यक्ति को किंतु यही स्पष्ट हो गया कि भ्रष्टाचार की जड़ें बहुत ही गहरी हैं यही कारण है कि ऑनलाइन प्राप्त शिकायतों का अभी उन्हीं शिकायतों का निस्तारण किया जाता है जिसमें घुस मिला रहता है और जिन शिकायतों में घुस नहीं मिलता उनका निस्तारण नहीं करते लोग यही कारण है की जिला स्तर पर किसानों का पेंशन लंबित रहता है अप्रूवल के लिए

Grievance Document

Current Status

Grievance received   

Date of Action


Officer Concerns To

Forwarded to

Uttar Pradesh

Officer Name

Shri Bhaskar Pandey (Joint Secretary)

Organisation name

Uttar Pradesh

Contact Address

Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow

Email Address

Contact Number


Beerbhadra Singh

To write blogs and applications for the deprived sections who can not raise their voices to stop their human rights violations by corrupt bureaucrats and executives.

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