If Mangala Prasad Prajapati was already shared sought information by HDB FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED, then what was the need to seek?

Gmail Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <yogimpsingh@gmail.com>

Closure Intimation for Complaint N202223023470846 against HDB FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED

1 message

RBI CSM Team <rbiteamcms@rbi.org.in> 6 April 2023 at 14:48

Reply-To: rbiteamcms@rbi.org.in

To: "yogimpsingh@gmail.com" <yogimpsingh@gmail.com>

भारतीय  रिज़र्व  बैंक

Reserve Bank of India

केंद्रीय प्राप्ति और प्रसंस्करण केंद्र

        Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre (CRPC)

आरबीआई/सीएमएस/N202223023470846/ 2022-23              दिनांक : 06-04-2023

RBI/CMS/N202223023470846/ 2022-23                                 Date :06-04-2023

श्री/सुश्री Yogi MP Singh

Shri/Ms. Yogi MP Singh



Madam/Dear Sir

HDB FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED के विरुद्ध शिकायत N202223023470846 को बंद करने की सूचना

Closure Intimation for Complaint N202223023470846 against HDB FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED

कृपया सीएमएस पोर्टल/ ईमेल/ पत्र के द्वारा HDB FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED के विरुद्ध लोकपाल के पास दर्ज की गई अपनी शिकायत देखें।

Please refer to your complaint against HDB FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED filed through the CMS portal/email/letter with the Ombudsman.

2.  In this connection, it is observed that you have sought details of hypothecated vehicle as a third party to the loan account in dispute. The decision of the NBFC to not share any information related to the customer or his loan account to third party is observed to be in order. Further, based on the entity's submission and available records, it is further observed that customer has defaulted repayment of EMIs multiple times, owing to which the NBFC has levied penal charges and initiated recovery action as per the T & C of the loan agreement. The entity has already shared information related to sale of vehicle, remaining balance, etc. with the borrower. In view of the above, there is no deficiency observed in service. Your complaint is accordingly treated as dealt with.

3.तदनुसार, आपकी शिकायत को अस्‍वीकार्य वर्गीकृत किया गया है और रिज़र्व बैंक - एकीकृत लोकपाल योजना, 2021 के खंड 16(2)(a), जिसे निम्‍नप्रकार पढा जाए, के तहत बंद किया जाता है:

“Complaint is rejected under Clause 16(2)(a) of the Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021 : 'In the opinion of the Ombudsman, there is no deficiency in service'”

3. Accordingly, the complaint has been closed under clause 16(2)(a) of the Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021, which reads as under:

“Complaint is rejected under Clause 16(2)(a) of the Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021 : 'In the opinion of the Ombudsman, there is no deficiency in service'”.

4. कृपया यह नोट करें कि उक्‍त खंड के तहत बंद की गई शिकयात गैर-अपीलीय है। अगर आप लोकपाल के निर्णय से संतुष्‍ट नहीं है तो आपको यह विकल्‍प प्राप्‍त है कि आपकी शिकायत के निवारण हेतु विधि द्वारा स्‍थापित कोई अन्‍य मंच/ न्‍यायालय/ विधि प्राधिकरण से संपर्क करें।

4. Please note that the complaints closed under the above clause are non-appealable. In case you are not satisfied with the decision of the Ombudsman, have an option to approach any other Forum/Court/Legal authority in accordance with the law for redressal of your grievance.

5. यह लोकपाल के अनुमोदन से जारी किया जा रहा है।

5. This is issued with the approval of Ombudsman.

6. आपसे अनुरोध है कि उक्‍त निवारण से संबंधित अपनी फीडबैक https://cms.rbi.org.in पर दें।

6. You are requested to provide feedback for the above resolution on https://cms.rbi.org.in

7. लोकपाल योजना के विवरण https://cms.rbi.org.in पर उपलब्‍ध है। इस के संबंध में कोई सूचना/ स्‍पष्‍टीकरण हेतु, आप Toll Free Number: 14448 (Between 9:30AM - 5:15PM) पर संपर्क कर सकते हैं।

7. The details of the Scheme are available at https://cms.rbi.org.in. For any information/clarification, you may approach us on Toll Free Number: 14448 (Between 9:30AM - 5:15PM).



आरबीआई सीआरपीसी



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