Stray animals gathering on roads causing traffic jam


संदर्भ संख्या : 40019924001934 , दिनांक - 01 Feb 2024 तक की स्थिति

आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण :

शिकायत संख्या:-40019924001934

आवेदक का नाम-Yogi M P Singh

विषय-How can general reply in specific matter be justified as being done by the municipality Mirzapur city in the matter concerning with the stray animals? Everyone knows that there is a team of people who used to catch the stray animals to send the cows and bullocks in the cowsheds. It is bitter truth that there is crowd of the stray animals on the streets of Mirzapur city because of the mismanagement in the working of the municipality Mirzapur city and carelessness of the senior rank officers of the department. These calves and bullocks fight on the roads and creates traffic problems and there is always jammed because of these stray animals wondering on the roads and fight with each other is a matter of great concern but it is most unfortunate concerned accountable public functionaries are overlooking the matter without inspecting the sites of the complaint showing anarchy in the working. To see the nuisance created by these stray animals on the roads one can travel on the roads. It seems that the entire system has collapsed which is resulting in such a way. Why are concerned staff overlooking the grievances submitted on the public grievance portal is itself a question? Sometimes the applicant thinks that there is no transparency and accountability in the working of the municipality Mirzapur City. The matter concerns the working of the executive officer municipality Mirzapur City who is adopting lackadaisical approach in managing the affairs of the municipality Mirzapur city. The brief description of the submissions is as follows. 1- Whether the management of the municipality Mirzapur city is ruled by the anarchy where rule of law has been replaced by the rule of anarchy ipso facto from the working style of it. 2- Herds of cattle are moving on the roads and staff of the municipality Mirzapur City are failing to catch them and dispose of them in the cow sheds which are running on paper. 3- Whether accountable staff of the municipality Mirzapur city have time to visit the Surekapuram colony which has been victim of dereliction of the staff of the municipality Mirzapur City. 4- The temporary cow sheds made in the district by spending huge government funds are running only on paper and bike source of income of the public staff. 5- The applicant found a scam in making the temporary cow sheds in that district and submitted representation before the accountable staff of the government but no action was taken by the government against the bunglers of the government fund because this corruption is oriented from top rank administrative hierarchy to the bottom. 6- When there is mismanagement in maintaining the stray animals moving on the roads and discharging excretion on the road then at least sweepers of the municipality Mirzapur city must put brooms on the roads daily. Please also direct your subordinates to dispose of the stray animals wandering on the roads creating traffic problems in the nearby cow sheds so that the spreading dirt because of them may be curbed. Numerous complaints have been made by the applicant in the matter but it is most unfortunate that executive officer municipality Mirzapur City did not care about those grievances. A huge fund has been spent by the government in constructing cowsheds but it is most unfortunate that most of the funds have been misused by corrupt public staff which is quite obvious from the cryptic working style of the bureaucrats in the district Mirzapur.

विभाग -नगर पालिका परिषदशिकायत श्रेणी -

नियोजित तारीख-11-02-2024शिकायत की स्थिति-

स्तर -नगर पालिका / नगर पंचायतपद -अधिशासी अधि‍कारी,नगर पंचायत /पालिका

प्राप्त रिमाइंडर-

प्राप्त फीडबैक -दिनांक को फीडबैक:-

फीडबैक की स्थिति -

संलग्नक देखें -Click here

नोट- अंतिम कॉलम में वर्णित सन्दर्भ की स्थिति कॉलम-5 में अंकित अधिकारी के स्तर पर हुयी कार्यवाही दर्शाता है!

अग्रसारित विवरण :

क्र.स. सन्दर्भ का प्रकार आदेश देने वाले अधिकारी अग्रसारित दिनांक नियत दिनांक अधिकारी को प्रेषित आदेश स्थिति

1 अंतरित ऑनलाइन सन्दर्भ 01-02-2024 11-02-2024 अधिशासी अधि‍कारी,नगर पंचायत /पालिका -मिर्ज़ापुर अनमार्क


An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist.

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