Ganges of development under regime of Modi and Yogi flows through broken drainage and overflowing drainage water on the roads


Grievance Status for registration number : PMOPG/E/2023/0066556

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Prime Ministers Office

Grievance Description

Sir the applicant made call to the assistant engineer jalkal, mister Sudheer Kumar Verma on his official mobile number and provided elaborate detail to him his reaction was the residence of Surekha Puram colony causing burn of tube well pump. Whether it is proper reply by an accountable officer of the Government of Uttar Pradesh? Whether the maintenance and operation of the tube well pump is carried out by the residence of Surekapuram colony? The factual position is that there is complete mismanagement in the working of the municipality Mirzapur City and its branches. Since there is no transparency and accountability in the working of municipality Mirzapur City which is the root cause of the problem being faced by the residents of Surekapuram colony. The applicant has uploaded the recent photographs but it is unfortunate that this photograph will not be upload on the jansunwai portal because it is not working properly.

गैस एजेंसी का ट्रक नाली में फंस गया है फोटोग्राफ अटैच है सोचिए आपकी कूप्रबंधन का खामियाजा सामान्य पब्लिक भुगत रही है संदर्भ संख्या 40019923004915 , दिनांक - 13 Mar 2023 तक की स्थिति आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण

शिकायत संख्या -40019923004915 आवेदक का नाम-Yogi M P Singh

विषय-Whether the executive officer municipality Mirzapur City will explain the cause of the spreading of the drainage water on the road Still? There are two reasons of the spreading of the drainage water on the roads in the Surekapuram colony. Its first reason is the choked drainage. The second reason is dysfunctional of the water pump installed in the Surekapuram colony. If the water pump installed in the Surekapuram colony is dysfunctional then IT raises the questions on the competence of the electrician of the department.

Everyone knows that tube well pump installed in the Surekapuram colony to pump out the dirty water has got defected since a week but no arrangement has been made on the part of municipality Mirzapur City to bring the tube well pump in the working condition. On the one side of screen drainage is broken for a year and another side of the screen because of the defect in the tube well pump water is spreading on the road which made the lives of the residence of Surekapuram colony hell. To ensure the health and hygiene of the citizens of the state we should make cleanly drive mission a successful campaign initiated by our prime minister Mr Narendra Damodar Modi but because of the mismanagement in the administrative machinery this goal could not be achieved.

The executive officer municipality Mirzapur city submitted false report in the matter.

कार्यालय, नगरपालिका परिषद, मीरजापुर जन सुनवाई सन्दर्भ संख्या - 40019923004563 सेवा में, अधिशासी अधिकारी नगरपालिका परिषद, मीरजापुर। महोदय, कृपया समन्वित शिकायत निवारण प्रणाली उत्तर प्रदेश जन सुनवाई सन्दर्भ संख्या - 40019923004563 सन्दर्भ लेने का - कष्ट करें, जिसमें शिकायतकर्ता श्री योगी एम०पी० सिंह, नि०मु० सुरेकापुरम् कॉलोनी श्री लक्ष्मी नारायण बैकुण्ठ महादेव मन्दिर, मीरजापुर द्वारा सुरेकापुरम् कॉलोनी में जलनिकासी हेतु लगे मोटर पम्प खराब हो जाने के सम्बन्ध में शिकायत की गयी है। उक्त शिकायत के क्रम में विभागीय इलेक्ट्रिशियन के द्वारा मोटर पम्प का निरीक्षण कराया गया निरीक्षणोपरान्त मोटर पम्प जल गया था जिसका मरम्मत कार्य करा दिया गया है वर्तमान समय में जलनिकासी का कार्य कराया जा रहा है। जिसकी फोटो साक्ष्य के रूप में संलग्न की जाती है। कृपया उपरोक्तानुसार अवगत होते हुये शिकायत को निक्षेपित करने का कष्ट करें। जलकल अभियन्ता नगरपालिका परिषद, मीरजापुर संदर्भ संख्या 40019923004563 , दिनांक - 09 Mar 2023 तक की स्थिति

Grievance Document

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Under process   

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Officer Concerns To

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Shri Bhaskar Pandey (Joint Secretary)

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Uttar Pradesh

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Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow

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An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist.

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