Fungus infected coconut balls delivered by Amazon online shopping quite obvious from attached photographs when they charged one and half times


 Last Login Time : 2022-11-06 22:25:19

Grievance Details

Grievance Number: 4112955

Grievance Reg Date: 2022-12-19 10:49:45

Complainant Name : Yogi M. P. Singh Mahesh Pratap Singh Complainant Contact No : 7379105911

Mode : By Web Complaint Type : Complaint

State : UTTAR PRADESH Purchase City : Mirzapur

Sector : E- Commerce Category : Online Shopping

Grievance Company : Company Name :

Govt Dept / Regulator :

Product / Service Type: Dry Coconut balls Order no: # 408-2047235-2800348

Transaction id: # 408-2047235-2800348 Date of purchase / transaction: 2022-11-17

Mobile Number or Email id registered with company: 7379105911 Complaint No / Ref no.:

Amount Paid: 400  

Company Details Amazon online shopping Pincode (Company):

Product Value(INR) : 100-1000 Nature of Complaints : Deficiency in Services

Grievance Details : Order Confirmation Order # 408-2047235-2800348 Order summary Order #408-2047235-2800348 Placed on Thursday, November 17, 2022 Item Subtotal: Rs.400.00 Shipping & Handling: Rs.0.00 Amazon Pay balance: -Rs.15.00 Order Total: Rs.385.00You Ordered Product Image Coco Ball Fresh Dry Coconut (Copra / Kobbari) (400g) ( New) KARPURA house of agro products Estimated delivery date: 2022-11-22 - 2022-11-26 Item arrived by 2022-11-26?

श्रीमान जी उपरोक्त आइटम को प्रार्थी द्वारा अमेजॉन ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग से कई बार क्रय किया गया है शुरू में अमेजॉन ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग सही प्रोडक्ट डिलीवर किया करता था पिछली बार इसके द्वारा वे नारियल के बाल भेजे गए जिन में फंगस लगे हुए थे और इस बार भी इन दोनों में से एक आइटम के नारियल में फंगस लगे हुए हैं जिसका तस्वीर इस शिकायत के साथ संलग्न है कृपया प्रकरण का अवलोकन करें और उचित कार्यवाही करें श्रीमान जी क्या अमेज़न ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग सड़े गले पदार्थ बेचकर पैसा कमाएगा जो कि खुद उसकी कार्यशैली से स्पष्ट है प्रार्थी द्वारा पूर्व में शिकायत किया गया था कि आपका नारियल खराब निकला किंतु इस बार उन लोगों ने जानबूझकर ध्यान नहीं दिया यह जबरदस्ती का प्रतीक है

Sir, the above item has been purchased by the applicant many times from Amazon online shopping. Initially amazon online shopping used to deliver the correct product. Last time it sent coconut balls which were covered with fungus i.e. fungus infected coconut balls and this time also one of them. One of the items has fungus in coconut whose photo is attached with this complaint. Please look into the matter and take appropriate action. Sir,  whether amazon online shopping will earn money by selling rotten items which is clear from its working style to the applicant.  In the past it was complained that your coconut turned out to be bad, but this time they deliberately ignored it, it is a symbol of coercion. More details are attached to complaint.

Status :  In Process  

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