Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (CCA) did not provide any information to information seeker so appeal submitted against CPIO

Tax evasion on large scale because of corruption in public departments and sale of spurious cement but no action by police on flimsy ground

The proprietor of HSS Hardware Hathia Phatak Imambara is Mohd Saddam whose GSTN is 09BYWPS9818K1Z2  vide attached document to the online R.T.I. request. CPIO may provide the following information.

1-Date and time if maintenance of records of aforementioned shop were checked by staff of income tax.

2-Provide information sought under point 4 and 5 from the Public Authority     Commercial Tax Department in the attached document as it also concerns income tax.

Online RTI Status Form

Enter Registration Number CCAKP/R/E/22/00119

Name Deepak Kumar Maurya

Received Date 02/08/2022

Public Authority Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (CCA) , Kanpur


Date of action 10/08/2022

Reply / Remarks :-Details of CPIO =>

Nodal Officer Details :-

Telephone Number 0512-2304418

Email Id ccitpv[at]gmail[dot]com

Online RTI Request Form Details

RTI Request Details :-


RTI Request Registration number CCAKP/R/E/22/00119

Public Authority Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (CCA) , Kanpur


Personal Details of RTI Applicant:-

Name Deepak Kumar Maurya

Gender Male

Address Mohalla Shivala Mahanth , Post Putalighar, Kotwali Katra

Country India

State Uttar Pradesh

Status Urban

Educational Status Literate

Phone Number Details not provided

Mobile Number +91-9794282281

Email-ID myogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com

Request Details :-

Citizenship Indian

Is the Requester Below Poverty Line ? No

(Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters)

Description of Information Sought

RTI request is attached to this online application.

Concerned CPIO Nodal Officer

Supporting document (only pdf upto 1 MB)

Your RTI Appeal filed successfully.

Please note down the details of registration.

Registration Number CCAKP/A/E/22/00109

Name Deepak Kumar Maurya

Date of Filing 22-11-2022

Appeal filed with Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (CCA) , Kanpur

 Contact Details  

Telephone Number 0512-2304418

Email Id

Online RTI Appeal Form Details

RTI Appeal Details :-


RTI Appeal Registration number CCAKP/A/E/22/00109

Public Authority Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (CCA) , Kanpur


Personal Details of Appellant:-

Request Registration Number CCAKP/R/E/22/00119

Request Registration Date 02/08/2022

Name Deepak Kumar Maurya

Gender Male

Address Mohalla Shivala Mahanth , Post Putalighar, Kotwali Katra

Country India

State Uttar Pradesh

Status Urban

Educational Status Literate

Phone Number Details not provided

Mobile Number +91-9794282281

Email-ID myogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com

Appeal Details :-

Citizenship Indian

Is the Requester Below Poverty Line ? No

Ground For Appeal No Response Within the Time Limit

CPIO of Public Authority approached Nodal Officer

CPIO's Order/Decision Number Details not provided

CPIO's Order/Decision Date

(Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters)

Prayer or Relief Sought


Date of action 10/08/2022

Reply / Remarks :-Details of CPIO =>Sir I have clicked everywhere but details of concerned CPIO are not available. Three months and 12 days passed but CPIO did not provide any information under R.T.I. Act 2005. Evidently, CPIO violated subsection 1 of section 7 of R.T.I. Act 2005.

Supporting document (only pdf upto 1 MB) Supporting document not provided

Online RTI First Appeal Status Form

Note:Fields marked with * are Mandatory.

Enter Registration Number CCAKP/A/E/22/00109

Name Deepak Kumar Maurya

Received Date 22/11/2022

Public Authority Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (CCA) , Kanpur


Date of action 22/11/2022

First Appellate Authority Details :- Details not provided

Nodal Officer Details :-

Telephone Number 0512-2304418

Email Id ccitpv[at]gmail[dot]com

Beerbhadra Singh

To write blogs and applications for the deprived sections who can not raise their voices to stop their human rights violations by corrupt bureaucrats and executives.

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