Kamlesh Singh submitted representation on PMO Portal because S.D.M. Sadar submitted inconsistent bogus report to conceal its wrongdoings


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Grievance Status for registration number: PMOPG/E/2022/0288051

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Kamlesh Singh

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Prime Ministers Office

Grievance Description

Grievance Status for registration number: PMOPG/E/2022/0247893 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Kamlesh Singh Date of Receipt 17/09/2022 The applicant is aggrieved with the concerned staff of Tehsil Sadar who submitted an inconsistent bogus report on the portal without going into the merit of the case.

श्री मान जी सदर तहसील मिर्ज़ापुर की हालत बहुत ही दयनीय है श्री मान जी सभी अधिकारी और कर्मचारी जो घूसखोर है जनसुनवाई पोर्टल से चिढ़ते है इसलिए मनमाना जवाब लगा कर मामले को ख़त्म कर देते है प्रार्थी लेखपाल महोदय के गैरजिम्मेदाराना रवैया से बहुत कष्ट में है चलिए जनसूचना अधिकार २००५ का प्रयोग किया जाएगा जनसुनवाई पोर्टल को मजाक बना दिए है श्री मान जी ०८ अक्टूबर २०२१ का जनसूचना आवेदन १६ सितम्बर २०२२ को एक मनगढ़ंत कहानी बना कर सुना दिया गया जिसका सूचना के बिंदुओं से कुछ लेना देना नहीं था इससे बड़ी अराजकता क्या हो सकती है श्री मान जी राजस्व संहिता २००६ की धारा ११६ के तहत विभाजन के लिए प्रार्थी द्वारा पोस्ट के माध्यम से अपील भेजा गया है किन्तु उसकी स्थिति प्रार्थी को उपजिलाधिकारी महोदय नहीं बताना चाहते है क्योकि उसमे घुस नहीं मिला है इसलिए जनसूचना अधिकार २००५ के तहत भी कोई सूचना नहीं उपलब्ध कराये क्या प्रार्थी कमलेश सिंह पोस्ट के माध्यम से अपंनी पेपरबुक नहीं भेज सकते है जो कमी हो उसे बताये उसे दूर किया जाए

The applicant is a plaintiff in the following case and sent this plaint to sub-divisional Magistrate Sadar on 25 March 2022 the department of post delivered the speed post on 26 March 2022 quite obvious from the speed post tracking attached to the R.T.I. Application. An application/ Litigation under section 116 of the U.P. Revenue Code 2006, U.P. Act No. 8 of 2012 Last Updated 30th March 2021 to seek its share of Land and other properties from Raghuvar Dayal Singh S/O Bhanu Pratap Singh and restrain him from the arbitrary sale of transitory land inherited from inheritors. The petitioner is a son of Raghuvar Dayal Singh having share rights in the entire property inherited from ancestors to Raghuvar Dayal Singh as inheritance so Kindly grant reprieve to the litigant so that his rights may not encroach from arbitrary action perpetrated by his own father. In the court of Hon’ble Sub-divisional Magistrate Sadar District: Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh Prayer -

Please direct the concerned staff of Tahsil Sadar to divide the entire properties both movable and immovable unpartitioned land and sold properties illegally by Raghuvar Dayal Singh without consent of stakeholder between stakeholder Kamlesh Singh in the name of Father Raghuvar Dayal Singh S/O Bhanu Pratap Singh. It is my humble request to the Honourable Sir to restrain opposition party Raghuvar Dayal Singh S/O Bhanu Pratap Singh from selling more transitory land inherited from ancestors without dividing stakeholder Kamlesh Singh and Raghuvar Dayal Singh as illegal acts are being committed by him arbitrarily. For more feedback, vide document to this application.

The applicant submitted the following request before Subdivisional Magistrate Sadar on the RTI online portal of the government of Uttar Pradesh registered as Registration Number DMOMR/R/2022/60028.

PIO may provide the following information point-wise as follows.

1-Provide the noting made on the aforementioned plaint by the public authority staff dealing with the communication above.

2-Provide the name and designation of the staff currently dealing with the aforementioned communication.

3-Provide the action taken by the Sub-divisional Magistrate Sadar on the aforementioned plaint.

The aforementioned plaint was sent by the applicant itself but the Sub-divisional magistrate is not entertaining it because of corruption.

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Beerbhadra Singh

To write blogs and applications for the deprived sections who can not raise their voices to stop their human rights violations by corrupt bureaucrats and executives.

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