Two months taken by PIO to provide its comments to FAA Food and Civil Supply Department reflects anarchy in working of it


Registration Number DOFCS/A/2022/60029

Name Yogi M P Singh

Date of Filing 11/05/2022

Status COMMENTS RECEIVED FROM PIO as on 08/07/2022

  Nodal Officer Details  


Telephone Number 9454411369


Online RTI Appeal Form Details

Public Authority Details: -


* Public Authority Food and Civil Supply Department


Personal Details: -

* Name Yogi M P Singh

Gender Male

* Address Mohalla Surekapuram , Shree Laxmi Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir, Jabalpur Road

Pincode 231001

State Uttar Pradesh

Educational Status Literate

Phone Number 44-44

Mobile Number +91-7379105911

Email-ID myogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com

Citizenship Indian

* Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line ? No

First Appeal Details u/s 19(1) :-

Registration Number DOFCS/A/2022/60029

Date of Filing 11/05/2022

Concerned Appellate Authority DAYA RAM SEC 1 and 6

Phone No 9454413779

Email Id

* Ground For Appeal Refused access to Information Requested

((Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters) )

* Prayer or Relief Sought Following remark made by PIO to reject the sought information. Remarks: - information required by you is not clear. what information you have ti required. 

Information seeker sought the following three points which could not be understood by PIO.

1- Provide the notings made by the concerned accountable public staff in the office of district magistrate Mirzapur on the forwarded petition of the applicant to district magistrate which description is as Diary No 540/IN/2022 Case / File No 664/24/55/2022-WC Victim Name SUGUN SINGH Registration Date 08/04/2022 forwarded by U.P.H.R.C. to District Magistrate.  

2-Provide the action taken report on the petition Diary No 540/IN/2022 Case / File No 664/24/55/2022-WC Victim Name SUGUN SINGH Registration Date 08/04/2022 Disposed with Directions THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE MIRZAPUR 18/04/2022

3-Provide the reason for not providing information sought through Registration Number DMOMR/R/2022/80004 Name Yogi M P Singh Date of Filing 04/02/2022 even after the appeal made before the commissioner Vindhyachal division as follows.  

Registration Number COMZP/A/2022/60001 Name Yogi M P Singh Date of Filing 15/04/2022. 

विन्दु १ व २ के द्वारा प्रार्थी  Diary No 540/IN/2022 Case / File No 664/24/55/2022-WC Victim Name SUGUN SINGH Registration Date 08/04/2022 

जिलाधिकारी मिर्ज़ापुर से नोटिंग्स और कृत कार्यवाही आख्या माँगी है क्यों की उपरोक्त याचिका को राज्य मानवाधिकार आयोग ने जिलाधिकारी मिर्ज़ापुर को निस्तारण हेतु दिनांक 18/04/2022 को भेज दिया था 

विन्दु ३ द्वारा कारण जानना चाहा है की Registration Number DMOMR/R/2022/80004 Name Yogi M P Singh Date of Filing 04/02/2022 द्वारा मांगी सूचना न प्रदान करने का कारण जिसका अग्रसारण विवरण इस प्रकार है 

Registration Number DOCMO/R/2022/60037 Name Yogi M P Singh Date of Filing 11/01/2022 Status REQUEST TRANSFERRED TO OTHER PUBLIC AUTHORITY as on 12/01/2022 Details of Public Authority :- Food and Civil Supply Department. vide registration number :- DOFCS/R/2022/80019 respectively. Status REQUEST TRANSFERRED TO OTHER PUBLIC AUTHORITY as on 20/01/2022 Details of Public Authority :- COMMISSIONER OFFICE MIRZAPUR. vide registration number :- COMZP/R/2022/80001 respectively. Status REQUEST TRANSFERRED TO OTHER PUBLIC AUTHORITY as on 04/02/2022 Details of Public Authority :- DISTRICT MAGISTRATE OFFICE MIRZAPUR. vide registration number :- DMOMR/R/2022/80004 respectively.  

At last, the matter was forwarded to District Magistrate Mirzapur on 04 February 2022 which implies that more than one month passed and District Magistrate Mirzapur did not deem fit to entertain the matter consequently violated the subsection 1 of section 7 of the Right to Information Act 2005.

Supporting document ((only pdf upto 1 MB)) Supporting document not provided

RTI Application Details u/s 6(1) :-

Registration Number DOFCS/R/2022/80226

Date of Filing 10/05/2022

PIO of Public Authority approached RAN NAYAN PAL 6

Designation Section Officer

Phone No 9454413780

Email Id

PIO Order/Decision Number Details not provided

* PIO Order/Decision Date

Registration Number DMOMR/R/2022/60039

Name Yogi M P Singh

Date of Filing 04/05/2022


Details of Public Autority :- Food and Civil Supply Department.

vide registration number :- DOFCS/R/2022/80226 respectively.

Note:- Further details will be available on viewing the status of the above-mentioned new request registration number.

  Nodal Officer Details  

Name Hari Shankar Yadav

Telephone Number 9454416808


Registration Number DOFCS/R/2022/80226

Name Yogi M P Singh

Date of Filing 10/05/2022


Remarks :- information required by you is not clear. what information you have ti required.

  Nodal Officer Details  


Telephone Number 9454411369


Online RTI Request Form Details

Public Authority Details :-


* Public Authority Food and Civil Supply Department


Personal Details of RTI Applicant:-

Registration Number DOFCS/R/2022/80226

Date of Filing 10/05/2022

* Name Yogi M P Singh

Gender Male

* Address Mohalla Surekapuram , Shree Laxmi Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir, Jabalpur Road

Pincode 231001

State Uttar Pradesh

Educational Status Literate

  Above Graduate

Phone Number Details not provided

Mobile Number +91-7379105911

Email-ID myogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com

Citizenship Indian

* Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line ? No

RTI Application Details u/s 6(1) :-

((Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters) )

* Description of Information Sought Diary No 540/IN/2022 Case / File No 664/24/55/2022-WCVictim Name SUGUN SINGH Registration Date 08/04/2022 Disposed with Directions THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE MIRZAPUR 18/04/2022 Action : Disposed with Directions Action Date 18/04/2022 Authority THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE, MIRZAPUR Procceeding याचिका की प्रतिलिपि जिलाधिकारी, मीरजापुर को इस निर्देश के साथ भेज दी जाये कि वह प्रार्थी श्री योगी एम0पी0 सिंह द्वारा दिये गये शिकायती सन्देश के सम्बन्ध में जांच करवा कर आवश्यक कार्यवाही सुनिश्चित करायें, For more feedback, vide attached document to the representation/ R.T.I. Application.  

Public Information Officer in the office of the district Magistrate Mirzapur may provide the following information point wise within stipulated time as prescribed under subsection 1 of section 7 of the Right to Information Act 2005 as follows. 

1- Provide the notings made by the concerned accountable public staff in the office of district magistrate Mirzapur on the forwarded petition of the applicant to district magistrate as aforementioned. 

2-Provide the action taken report on the petition Diary No 540/IN/2022 Case / File No 664/24/55/2022-WC Victim Name SUGUN SINGH Registration Date 08/04/2022Disposed with Directions THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE MIRZAPUR 18/04/2022

3-Registration Number DMOMR/R/2022/80004 Name Yogi M P Singh Date of Filing 04/02/2022 Status REQUEST FORWARDED TO PIO as on 16/02/2022Details of PIO :- Telephone Number:- , Email Id:- Note :- You are advised to contact the above mentioned officer for further details.Nodal Officer Details  Telephone Number 9454416808 Email-ID

Please provide the reason for not providing information even after the appeal made before the commissioner Vindhyachal division as follows.

Registration Number COMZP/A/2022/60001Name Yogi M P SinghDate of Filing 15/04/2022Status RTI APPEAL RECEIVED as on 15/04/2022

* Concerned PIO Nodal Officer

Designation Details not provided

Phone No Details not provided

Email Id Details not provided

Supporting document ((only pdf upto 1 MB))

Beerbhadra Singh

To write blogs and applications for the deprived sections who can not raise their voices to stop their human rights violations by corrupt bureaucrats and executives.


Your view points inspire us

  1. Diary No 540/IN/2022 Case / File No 664/24/55/2022-WCVictim Name SUGUN SINGH Registration Date 08/04/2022 Disposed with Directions THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE MIRZAPUR 18/04/2022 Action : Disposed with Directions Action Date 18/04/2022 Authority THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE, MIRZAPUR Procceeding याचिका की प्रतिलिपि जिलाधिकारी, मीरजापुर को इस निर्देश के साथ भेज दी जाये कि वह प्रार्थी श्री योगी एम0पी0 सिंह द्वारा दिये गये शिकायती सन्देश के सम्बन्ध में जांच करवा कर आवश्यक कार्यवाही सुनिश्चित करायें,

  2. सभी जानते हैं कि उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार के खाद्य और आपूर्ति विभाग में व्यापक भ्रष्टाचार है और सरकार उसे बड़ा ही रही है रोकने का कोई प्रयास नहीं कर रही है इसी वजह से कहीं मनमाना राशन कार्ड निरस्त किया जाता है तो कहीं राशन कार्ड ओं का बिल ओपन कर दिया जाता है जिससे कि व्यथित उनकी शरण में जाए उसे मनमाना रकम वसूली जा सके यही है ईमानदारी उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार की

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