Arbitrary and unconstitutional dealings of UPSIC in the case of Pradip Kumar Maurya is showing lawlessness


Beerbhadra Singh <>

UPSIC is flooded with incompetent staff who are inefficient to process to appeals and complaints submitted before it.

1 message

Beerbhadra Singh <>

Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 7:48 AM

To: pmosb <>, "" <>, supremecourt <>, urgent-action <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>


An institution invites the removal of objections from appellant through notice but UPSIC returns the entire appeal through a parrot note. Whether it is not a mismanagement of a constitutional institution?  

Mismanagement and corruption in the working of Uttar Pradesh State Information Commission.

Subject-Objection made by the commission in the appeal dated 23/07/2020 received in the office of Uttar Pradesh State Information Commission on 30/07/2020 through a communication dated 05/10/2020 received by the applicant on 16/11/2020 is arbitrary and illegal.

The objections made by the Uttar Pradesh State Information Commission are as follows.

1-Appellant has not attached a copy of  R.T.I. Communique submitted under subsection 1 section 6 of Right Information Act 2005 to the second appeal dated 23/07/2020.

2- Appellant has not attached a copy of R.T.I. first appeal submitted under subsection 1 section 19 of Right Information Act 2005 to the second appeal dated 23/07/2020.

3- Appellant did not verify that no appeal submitted under subsection 3 of section 19 earlier in the same matter.

Replies of the applicant before the accountable public functionaries including State Information Commission of Uttar Pradesh are as follows, respectively.


1-The submission 5 of the appeal dated 23/07/2020 contains the status of R.T.I.  communique and application submitted under subsection 1 of section 6 of the Right to Information Act 2005 registered on the portal of the Government of Uttar Pradesh. Vide attached document to the representation. 

2-The submission 2 of the appeal dated 23/07/2020 contains the status of the appeal regarding R.T.I. Communique registered on the portal of the Government of Uttar Pradesh under subsection 1 of section 19 of the Right to Information Act 2005. Vide attached document to the representation.

The submission 3 of the appeal dated 23/07/2020 has contained the application of R.T.I. appeal submitted under subsection 1 of section 19 of the Right to Information Act 2005 registered on the portal of the Government of Uttar Pradesh. Vide attached document to the representation.

3-Appellant can not verify that he submitted an appeal before the commission before appeal dated 23/07/2020 in the same matter as it is a subject of commission.

But the appellant affirms he did not submit any appeal before the Uttar Pradesh State Information Commission before the appeal dated 23/07/2020 in the same matter.

Undoubtedly the Government has passed the august act, but the information is not accessible to citizens because of arbitrariness, tyranny and corruption in the government machinery. O God help me in my pious approach to the betterment of society.

Date-20/11/2020                             With regards

                              Yogi M. P. Singh, Mobile number-7379105911,

Mohalla-Surekapuram, Jabalpur Road, District-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh.


 Second appeal Pradip Kumar Maurya (1).pdf
Beerbhadra Singh

To write blogs and applications for the deprived sections who can not raise their voices to stop their human rights violations by corrupt bureaucrats and executives.


Your view points inspire us

  1. They closed the submitted grievances through arbitrary reports on the public grievance portal of the government of India. Undoubtedly government key functionaries are creating blocked in the path of information seekers. Transparency ombudsman itself playing negative role in providing information.

  2. Right to information act 2005 was introduced by the government of India during the regime of Congress but when the BJP government came into the power.
    Bhartiya Janata party from the beginning started diluting provisions of right to information act which is a mockery of law of land.

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