If information custodian is CO Lalganj, how can CO Nagar provide this information

PIO in office of S.P. Mirzapur escaped from information of cyber fraud of over 3.5 lakhs

Mr. Yogi M P Singh Welcome to Our Online Portal.

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Uttar Pradesh


Welcome : UPICR20240000149

Registration Number : A-20240600707

File Number : S09/A/0918/2024


Diary Number - D-300920240074

Citizen Details

Name Yogi M P Singh

Mobile Number 7379105911

Email yogimpsingh@gmail.com

Address सुरेकापुरम कॉलोनी जबलपुर रोड मिर्जापुर सिटी

Public Information Officer Details


Address नाम :Sri OMPRAKASH SINGH,पता : Public Information Officer Office - Suprintendent Of Police MIRAZAPUR,पिन कोड : 231001

Case Status

Hearing Date 19/09/2024

Hearing Status For further hearing.

Hearing Room S-9

Documents Enclosure

Document-1 Details

Content provided & maintained by Uttar Pradesh Information Commission.


Second Appeal under section 19(3) of the Right to Information Act, 2005

Appeal Registration Number - A-20240600707

File Number - S09/A/0918/2024, Case number generated, and case allotted to a Hearing Room. Hearing Room: S-9,

Hearing Date: 2024-10-09


Respected information commissioner

शकुन्तला गौतम, मा० राज्य सूचना आयुक्त, सुनवाई कक्ष एस-9

Subject-Regarding Communication of public information officer in the office of Superintendent a police district Mirzapur dated 29th September 2024 attached as subsequent document.

Short Submissions of the appellant are as follows.

1-    Most respected madam, please take a glance of the communication data 29th September 2024 of the public information officer.

कार्यालय पुलिस अधीक्षक जनपद मीरजापुर

मा०रा०सू आयो० प्रकरण पत्र सं0-0सू00-132/2024

दिनांकः सितम्बर 2024

सेवा में,

श्री योगी एमपी सिंह पुत्र श्री राजेन्द्र प्रताप सिंह पता सुरेकापुरम कालोनी जबलपुर रोड मीरजापुर सीटी जनपद-मीरजापुर पिन 231001

कृपया आप अपने आवेदन पत्र दिनांकित 22/01/2024 का सन्दर्भ ग्रहण करे जिसमे आप के द्वारा जनसूचना अधिकार अधिनियम 2005 के तहत अपील मे सूचना उपलब्ध कराये जाने की आपेक्षा की गयी है, जिसके सन्दर्भ मे मा० राज्य सूचना आयोग में आप की अपील पंजीकृत कर लिया गया है तथा उस पर अग्रेतर सुनवाई दिनांक 09/10/2024 को मा0 राज्य सूचना आयोग के कक्ष सं0-09 मे है।

अतः आपको उपरोक्त सूचना आयुक्त के समक्ष व्यक्तिगत रूप से या किसी प्राधिकृत प्रतिनिधि के माध्यम से सुनवाई के उपरोक्त दिनांक को पूर्वाहन 10.00 बजे उपस्थित होने और उपर्युक्त शिकायत / अपील पर सुनवाई में सम्मिलित होने के लिए सूचित किया जाता है। संलग्नकः यथोपरि

जनसूचना अधिकारी

कार्यालय पुलिस अधीक्षक जनपद मीरजापुर ।

2-    Most respected madam, please take a glance of attached communication of city magistrate was enclosed in the envelope of the public information officer.


कार्यालय पुलिस अधीक्षक जनपद मीरजापुर ।

आवेदक योगी एम पी सिंह पुत्र राजेन्द्र प्रसाद सिंह निवासी मो० सुरेवापुरम, जवलपुर रोड मीरजापुर ।

पत्र संख्याः ज०सू00 - 539/2024

दिनांक- सितंबर 26, 2024

सेवा में

संगमोहाल पो0 आफिस थाना को० कटरा जनपद मीरजापुर पिनकोड 231001। कृपया आप अपने आवेदन पत्र दिनांक 19.09.2024 का सन्दर्भ ग्रहण करें जिसके माध्यम से जनसूचना अधिकार अधि0 2005 के तहत अपेक्षित सूचना उपलब्ध कराये जाने विषयक है। आप द्वरा अपेक्षित सूचना के क्रम में थाना को0 कटरा जनपद मीरजापुर से सूचना प्राप्त की गयी, प्राप्त सूचना / आख्या संलग्न कर प्रेषित है।

तद्रुसार आप अवगत हों।

संलग्नक-2 वर्क ।

(विवेक चावला) क्षेत्राधिकारी नगर, जनपद मीरजापुर ।

प्रतिलिपि - जनसूचना अधिकारी कार्यालय पुलिस अधीक्षक जनपद मीरजापुर को अपने पत्र संख्या- ज०सू०अ०- 539/2024 दिनांक 19.09.24 के सन्दर्भ मे सादर सूचनार्थ प्रेषित ।

3-    Most respected madam inspector Kotwali Katra District Mirzapur submitted the report in the matter as follows.

रिपोर्ट थाना कोतवाली कटरा जनपद मिर्जापुर

सेवामें श्रीमान क्षेत्राधिकारी नगर सहायक जनसूचना अधिकारी जनपद मिर्जापुर

विषय जनसूचना प्रार्थना पत्र संख्या जन सूचना अधिकार 539/2024

आवेदक योगी एमपी सिंह पुत्र राजेंद्र प्रताप सिंह निवासी सुरेखा पुरम जबलपुर रोड संगमोहाल मिर्जापुर के संबंध में आख्या महोदय थाना स्थानीय पर पंजीकृत मुकदमा अपराध संख्या 291/2023 धारा 420 व 66 C, 66 D आईटी ऐक्ट की विवेचना निरीक्षक श्री अरविंद यादव द्वारा की जा रही है विवेचना प्रचलित है व रिपोर्ट सादर सेवा में प्रेषित है

थाना कोतवाली कटरा जनपद मिर्जापुर

4-    Madam now I want to draw the kind attention to the information sought by the appellant from the public information officer district Mirzapur.

Description-An enquiry under Article 51A of the constitution of India regarding the cyber fraud and police inaction in the matter concerning police station Sant Nagar, District Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh. The information seeker is seeking the following information from the public information officer in the office of superintendent of police district Mirzapur point wise as follows.

1- The Mirzapur police reported the matter as follows.

Settled at the level of subordinate officer, Sir, the investigation report is enclosed, the case was investigated in depth and the report was obtained from the inspector in-charge, Kotwali Katra, then it was found that the applicant is a resident of the above address, from the investigation, it was found that the place of incident of the said case is of Patehara police station Santnagar district Mirzapur, so it seems expedient to get the said case investigated from police station Santnagar Circle-Lalganj.

Please provide the reason to close the grievance without forwarding it to the station house officer, police station-Sant Nagar, Circle-Lalganj.

2- When the victim of cyber fraud visited the Santanagar police station, whether the first information report of the victim was registered by the police? Please provide the reason for not registering the first information report in the matter.

3- Whether the criminal incidents are not reported in the regime of our chief minister Yogi Adityanath in the nearby police stations? If yes, please provide the circular in support of it.

4- Right to reason is an indispensable part of the sound administrative system so please provide the reason for not registering the first information report in the matter of cyber fraud by the station house officer of police station sant Nagar.

5- Whether the police are competent to curb the serious activities of cyber fraud by the criminal elements by adopting such a lackadaisical approach in the matter. Please provide the section of the criminal procedure code under which cyber frauds are dealt by the police without registering the first information report.

6- On one side of the screen, incidents of cyber frauds are increasing rapidly in the society. Unfortunately, on the other side of the screen police have failed to work out any case of cyber fraud which is showing incompetence of police personnel.

Please provide the number of cases registered by the police of cyber fraud in the last financial year and out of them, how many cases, worked out by the police.

5-    Most respected madam, whether this 6 points information is available under point 3 which is the report submitted by the inspector of Kotwali Katra, District Mirzapur.

6-    This matter concerns the circle officer Lal Ganj not with the circle officer city and to forward the matter to circle officer city is a blunder on the part of nodal officer. It is most unfortunate that the circle officer city who is also the public information officer could not understand the contents of the RTI application and submitted a misleading report in the matter having no relation with sought information as usual to do such.

7-    It is most unfortunate that such blunders are being committed after the notice of the Uttar Pradesh state information commission which is a mockery of the provisions of the right to formation act 2005.

Most respected madam whether the appellants will be denied information in this way by the public authorities as they have transferred the matter to the other public authority which is not the custodian of the information and even when it was humbly requested by the appellant not to do so.

This is a humble request of the appellant to the most respected madam to be instrumental in providing information to the appellant, For this appellant shall ever pray you most respected madam.

Date-30/09/2024                                            O God help me


Yogi M P Singh Mobile number 7379105911


An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist.

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