उत्तर प्रदेश मानव अधिकार आयोग
"मानव अधिकार भवन", टीसी 34 वी-1, विभूति खण्ड, गोमती नगर, लखनऊ
केस नं.: 10364(63)/2020-2021/REP दिनांक 02/06/2024
सेवा में,
श्री एम.पी. सिंह पता-ईमेल
संदर्भ : आपसे प्राप्त सूचना/शिकायती पत्र आयोग में पंजीकृत दिनांक 27/10/2020
विषय : विविध
आपका उपरोक्त विषयक शिकायती पत्र आयोग में केस नं. 10364 (63)/2020-2021 2020-2021 के रूप में पंजीकृत हुआ है और इस पर आयोग द्वारा विचारोपरान्त दिनांक 13/05/2024 को निम्नानुसार आदेश पारित किये गये हैं :- "आदेश की प्रति संलग्न है।
कृपया तद्नुसार अवगत होने का कष्ट करें।
भवदीय, صيدة अनु सचिव
Case no
10364 (63)/2020-2021
Justice Shri Bala Krishna Narayana Chairperson
From perusal of the record, it appears that this complaint was submitted before the Commission more than 04 years ago, but since then the complainant did not appear to press the complaint further or to apprise the Commission of the subsequent developments thereafter. The Commission issued a notice vide order dated 26.12.2022 to the complainant for providing him an opportunity to represent and to inform that whether he/she has still some grievance to be redressed. It was also clarified in the order that if no communication is received from him/her, this complaint would be dismissed assuming that the complainant does not require the Commission to take any further step in the matter.
It appears from the record that a notice dated 06.01.2023 was issued to the complainant which was served upon him but despite lapse of considerable time, neither the complainant has appeared nor any communication has been received, from his end. Therefore, the Commission has no option but to close the matter in the absence of any communication from the complainant. The complaint is dismissed and the matter is closed. However, it is provided that if grievance of the complainant still survives complainant will be at liberty to move a fresh representation in which this Commission shall examine in accordance with law.
Let the file be consigned to record.
(Bala Krishna Narayana) Chairperson (13.05.2024)
Gmail Beerbhadra Singh <myogimpsingh@gmail.com>
Why the processing did not succeed at the final stage of the R.T.I. Communique being submitted online?
4 messages
Beerbhadra Singh <myogimpsingh@gmail.com> 26 August 2020 at 13:40
To: onlinertihelpline.up@gov.in, cmup@up.nic.in, hgovup@up.nic.in, csup@up.nic.in, uphrclko@yahoo.co.in
Following is the transaction detail of the State Bank of India.
Sought Information detail-
Grievance Status for registration number: GOVUP/E/2020/24741 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Yogi M P Singh Date of Receipt 14/08/2020 Received By Ministry/Department Uttar Pradesh.
Current Status Under the process Date of Action 14/08/2020 Officer Name
Shri Arun Kumar Dube Officer Designation-Joint Secretary
Remarks-Grievance received by Subordinate Organisation from Web API
For detail, vide attached document to this R.T.I. Communique.
SPIO Chief Minister Office may provide the following information pointwise as sought within time as stipulated under subsection 1 of section 7 of Right to Information Act 2005.
1- Grievance received by Subordinate Organisation from Web API. SPIO may provide the detail of this subordinate organization.
2- SPIO may provide the notings made on the aforementioned grievance and regarding the aforementioned grievance.
3- SPIO may provide the action taken report by the CMO and the detail of personnel processed the grievance in the CMO.
4- SPIO may provide the current status of the grievance if not available, then forward/ transfer communiqué under subsection 3 of section 6 of Right to Information Act 2005 pursuing prescribed norm.
5- SPIO may provide information about whether citizen charter is being pursued or not in redressing the grievance.
I do not think that there is need to write more because it will create confusion but one thing need to mention that during the payment online message displayed on the screen that website is insecure but I had faith that it is a website of the government so it may not be so unsafe as displaying a message on the screen.
Beerbhadra Singh <myogimpsingh@gmail.com> 28 August 2020 at 17:52
To: onlinertihelpline.up@gov.in, cmup@up.nic.in, hgovup@up.nic.in, csup@up.nic.in, uphrclko@yahoo.co.in
28-Aug-2020 (28-Aug-2020)
Pasted from <https://retail.onlinesbi.com/retail/quicklook.htm>
This is the second time when the process could not be done. Whether it is good governance as claimed by few political masters?
Sought Information detail-
Grievance Status for registration number:
GOVUP/E/2020/26256 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Yogi M P Singh Date of Receipt 26/08/2020 Received By Ministry/Department Uttar Pradesh. Current Status Under the process Date of Action 26/08/2020 Officer Name Shri Arun Kumar Dube Officer Designation-Joint Secretary Remarks-Grievance received by Subordinate Organization from Web API For detail, vide attached document to this R.T.I. Communiqué. SPIO Chief Minister Office may provide the following information point wise as sought within time as stipulated under subsection 1 of section 7 of Right to Information Act 2005. 1- Grievance received by Subordinate Organization from Web API. SPIO may provide the details of this subordinate organization. 2- SPIO may provide the notings made on the aforementioned grievance and regarding the aforementioned grievance. 3- SPIO may provide the action taken report by the CMO and the detail of personnel processed the grievance in the CMO. 4- SPIO may provide the current status of the grievance if not available, then forward/ transfer communiqué under subsection 3 of section 6 of Right to Information Act 2005 pursuing prescribed norm. 5- SPIO may provide information about whether citizen charter is being pursued or not in redressing the grievance.
I do not think that there is need to write more because it will create confusion but one thing need to mention that during the payment online message displayed on the screen that website is insecure but I had faith that it is a website of the government so it may not be so unsafe as displaying a message on the screen.
[Quoted text hidden]
Beerbhadra Singh <myogimpsingh@gmail.com> 28 August 2020 at 18:11
To: onlinertihelpline.up@gov.in, cmup@up.nic.in, hgovup@up.nic.in, csup@up.nic.in, uphrclko@yahoo.co.in
28-Aug-2020 (28-Aug-2020)
Pasted from <https://retail.onlinesbi.com/retail/quicklook.htm>
This is the second time when the process could not be done. Whether it is good governance as claimed by few political masters?
Sought Information detail-
Grievance Status for registration number:
GOVUP/E/2020/26256 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Yogi M P Singh Date of Receipt 26/08/2020 Received By Ministry/Department Uttar Pradesh. Current Status Under the process Date of Action 26/08/2020 Officer Name Shri Arun Kumar Dube Officer Designation-Joint Secretary Remarks-Grievance received by Subordinate Organization from Web API For detail, vide attached document to this R.T.I. Communiqué. SPIO Chief Minister Office may provide the following information point wise as sought within time as stipulated under subsection 1 of section 7 of Right to Information Act 2005. 1- Grievance received by Subordinate Organization from Web API. SPIO may provide the details of this subordinate organization. 2- SPIO may provide the notings made on the aforementioned grievance and regarding the aforementioned grievance. 3- SPIO may provide the action taken report by the CMO and the detail of personnel processed the grievance in the CMO. 4- SPIO may provide the current status of the grievance if not available, then forward/ transfer communiqué under subsection 3 of section 6 of Right to Information Act 2005 pursuing prescribed norm. 5- SPIO may provide information about whether citizen charter is being pursued or not in redressing the grievance.
I do not think that there is need to write more because it will create confusion but one thing need to mention that during the payment online message displayed on the screen that website is insecure but I had faith that it is a website of the government so it may not be so unsafe as displaying a message on the screen.
On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 1:40 PM Beerbhadra Singh <myogimpsingh@gmail.com> wrote:
[Quoted text hidden]
Beerbhadra Singh <myogimpsingh@gmail.com> 28 August 2020 at 19:09
To: onlinertihelpline.up@gov.in, cmup@up.nic.in, hgovup@up.nic.in, csup@up.nic.in, uphrclko@yahoo.co.in
28-Aug-2020 (28-Aug-2020)
Pasted from <https://retail.onlinesbi.com/retail/quicklook.htm>
This is the third time when the process could not be done. Whether it is good governance as claimed by few political masters?
Sought Information detail-
संदर्भ संख्या : 40019920017558 , दिनांक - 28 Aug 2020 तक की स्थिति
आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण : शिकायत संख्या:-40019920017558
आवेदक का नाम-Keshaw Pratap Singh Detail is attached to the grievance.
Following information is being sought on behalf of the aforementioned complainant.
SPIO concerned may provide the following information.
1- SPIO may provide the notings made on the aforementioned grievance and regarding the aforementioned grievance.
2- SPIO may provide the action taken report by the concerned circle officer and the detail of personnel processed the grievance in the office of Circle Officer and onwards.
3- SPIO may provide the current status of the grievance if not available, then forward/ transfer communiqué under subsection 3 of section 6 of Right to Information Act 2005 pursuing prescribed norm.
4-SPIO may provide the action taken report on the grievance if still not redressed then provide required time for redress.
5- SPIO may provide information about whether citizen charter is being pursued or not in redressing the grievance.
I do not think that there is need to write more because it will create confusion but one thing need to mention that during the payment online message displayed on the screen that website is insecure but I had faith that it is a website of the government so it may not be so unsafe as displaying a message on the screen.
[Quoted text hidden]