How the renewal fee of D.L. and R.C. in R.T.O. from Rs.200 and Rs.500 become Lakhs of rupees, yet our Babudom is honest Modi Sir

संदर्भ संख्या : 40019822022464, दिनांक - 03 Jan 2023 तक की स्थिति

आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण :

शिकायत संख्या:-40019822022464

आवेदक का नाम-Yogi M P Singhविषय-Please clarify your application of penalties on criminals who submit renewal applications by mistake with delay. Such initiatives are most essential because of deep-rooted corruption in the government of Uttar Pradesh where to make registration information online Rs.2700 is charged from aggrieved. Sir you did not tell us about the maximum penalty limit in your notification is the matter of great concern. You should tell us the maximum penalty can be imposed by the staff of R.T.O.? As renewal fee of driving license is 200, how many thousands can be imposed by the staff of R.T.O. on the criminals who made a delay in submitting renewal applications because many are illiterate and not informed about memo, circulars and notifications issued by the government. Even literate criminals are not updated if they do not interact with brokers and Babudom of R.T.O. Since the matter concerns deep rooted corruption, therefore the maximum penalty limit in case of renewal of registration certificate for both Goods Carrier and non-Goods carrier must be accessible in public domain. Please provide the limit of maximum penalty can be imposed on the criminals not applying timely for renewal of Registration both in case of Goods Carrier and non-Goods carrier whether it may exceed the sale value of vehicle as cannot be paid even after selling the vehicle. Why are warnings not made on the registration certificates issued R.T.Os. of the vehicles in regard to heavy penalties in case delay in submission of renewal of the application? Vide attached document to be apprised with rampant corruption prevailed in the working of the R.T.Os. The union ministry issued a notification on December 29, 2016, by way of which the fee charged for driving license and vehicle registration was revised and increased several folds. By the said amendment a new provision for levying additional fee in case of delay of submission of application has been made. Rs. 300.00 Additional fee at the rate of Rupees One Thousand Only for delay of each year or part thereof reckoned from the date of expiry of the grace period shall be levied. Renewal of driving licence Rs. 200.00 In case of delay in applying for renewal of certificate of registration, an additional fee of three hundred rupees for delay of every month or part thereof in respect of motorcycles and five hundred rupees for delay of every month or part thereof in respect of other classes of non-transport vehicles shall be levied. Application Fee 500.00 Goods Carrier 5,800.00 Stage Carriage Counter Signature 5,800.00 Honourable Sir, the applicant is making enquiry under Article 51 A of the constitution of India. This provision of constitution quotes as follows. It shall be the duty of every citizen of India a to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform. i-to safeguard public property and to abjure violence. j -to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement. It is being submitted before the Honourable Sir that penalties imposed on the citizenry can be instrumental in development if it may reach to public treasury but if it will reach to the pockets of the corrupt public functionaries then even for disbursement of salary, government will request before

विभाग -परिवहन विभागशिकायत श्रेणी -

नियोजित तारीख-07-01-2023शिकायत की स्थिति-

स्तर -जनपद स्तरपद -सहायक संभागीय परिवहन अधिकारी

प्राप्त रिमाइंडर-

प्राप्त फीडबैक -दिनांक03-01-2023 को फीडबैक:-यह सत्य है कि प्रार्थी की सहायक संभागीय परिवहन अधिकारी भदोही से बात हुई किंतु जिस संदर्भ की बात आंख्या में कही गई है वह पूर्ण रूप से निराधार है। यह सर्वविदित है कि जब सहायक संभागीय परिवहन अधिकारी प्रार्थी से शिकायत के बारे में पूछताछ करेंगे तो शिकायत में वर्णित बिंदुओं पर ही चर्चा होगी। शिकायत का केंद्रीय बिंदु तो चालक लाइसेंस नवीनीकरण और पंजीकरण नवीनीकरण पर लगने वाले अधिभार का विषय है। प्रदेश और केंद्र सरकार द्वारा लगाए जाने वाला यह अधिभार भ्रष्टाचार को पोषित करने वाला है और प्रार्थी एक भ्रष्टाचार विरोधी आंदोलन कर्ता है। इसलिए उठाया गया प्रश्न जनोपयोगी और समाज के हित में है। प्रार्थी द्वारा जब सहायक संभागीय परिवहन अधिकारी से यह पूछा गया कि आपके द्वारा आरोपित किए जाने वाला प्रभार की सीमा क्या है तो उन्होंने कहा कि इस प्रश्न का जवाब उनके द्वारा नहीं दिया जा सकता है बल्कि इसका जवाब हेडक्वार्टर द्वारा ही दिया जा सकता है क्योंकि जो शुल्क निर्धारित होता है उसे हेडक्वार्टर निर्धारित करता है हम सिर्फ उसका पालन करवाते हैं। उसके पश्चात प्रार्थी द्वारा यह पूछा गया कि क्या आप इस प्रकरण को हेडक्वार्टर को स्थानांतरित कर देंगे तो उनका जवाब नकारात्मक था और परिवहन मुख्यालय तो जनसुनवाई पोर्टल पर है नहीं जिससे प्रार्थी स्पष्टीकरण मांगता। श्रीमान जी क्या जिस लाइसेंस नवीनीकरण का फीस ₹200 है और ₹1000 है क्या उसका अधिभार लाखों रुपए हो सकता है किंतु इस अराजकता में सब कुछ संभव है क्योंकि भ्रष्टाचार क्या नहीं करवाता यह भ्रष्टाचार ही है कि ₹1000 नवीनीकरण शुल्क की जगह  लाखों रुपए चालक पंजीकरण नवीनीकरण के रूप में पीड़ितों से लिए जाते हैं। श्रीमान जी क्या यह भ्रष्टाचार नहीं है क्या यही स्वस्थ लोकतंत्र का परिचय है। श्रीमान जी प्रार्थी को कोई भी चालक लाइसेंस नवीनीकरण नहीं कराना है इसलिए बायोमेट्रिक की आवश्यकता ही नहीं है। श्रीमान जी बैकलॉग को ऑनलाइन करने के लिए जिस कर्मचारी द्वारा 27 सो रुपए लिया गया है और आप द्वारा उस वार्ता के दौरान वापस कराने की बात कही गई है उसके लिए प्रार्थी आपसे कभी भी संपर्क कर सकता है इसके लिए आपको धन्यवाद।

It is true that the applicant talked to the Assistant Regional Transport Officer, Bhadohi, but the reference made in the report is completely baseless.  It is well known that when the Assistant Regional Transport Officer inquires about the complaint from the applicant, only the points mentioned in the complaint will be discussed.  The central point of complaint is the issue of surcharges on driving license renewals and registration renewals.  These charges to be imposed by the state and central government is going to nurture corruption and the applicant is an anti-corruption crusader.  Therefore, the question raised is of public utility and in the interest of the society.  When the Assistant Regional Transport Officer was asked by the applicant that what is the limit of the charge to be levied by you, he said that this question cannot be answered by him but it can be answered by the Headquarters only because the  The fee is fixed, it is fixed by the headquarters, we only get it followed.  After that, it was asked by the applicant whether you will transfer this case to the headquarters, then his answer was negative and the transport headquarters is not on the Jansunwai portal, so that the applicant would have not sought clarification.  Sir, the license renewal fee is Rs.200 and Rs. 1000, can its surcharges be lakhs of rupees, but everything is possible in this chaos, because what corruption does not get done, it is corruption that instead of Rs 1000 renewal fee, lakhs of rupees are driven for the driving licence renewal from the victims.  Sir, is this not corruption, is this the introduction of a healthy democracy.  Sir, the applicant does not have to renew any driving license, so there is no need for biometric.  Thank you, sir, for the employee who has taken 2700 rupees to make the backlog online and you have assured to return it during that conversation, the applicant can contact you anytime.

फीडबैक की स्थिति -

संलग्नक देखें -Click here

नोट- अंतिम कॉलम में वर्णित सन्दर्भ की स्थिति कॉलम-5 में अंकित अधिकारी के स्तर पर हुयी कार्यवाही दर्शाता है!

अधीनस्थ द्वारा प्राप्त आख्या :

क्र.स. सन्दर्भ का प्रकार आदेश देने वाले अधिकारी अग्रसारित दिनांक आदेश आख्या देने वाले अधिकारी आख्या दिनांक आख्या स्थिति आपत्ति देखे संलगनक

1 अंतरित ऑनलाइन सन्दर्भ 31-12-2022 सहायक संभागीय परिवहन अधिकारी-भदोही,परिवहन विभाग 31-12-2022 online fee katakar niyat tithi pe upasthit hokar biomatric karayen निस्तारित

Beerbhadra Singh

To write blogs and applications for the deprived sections who can not raise their voices to stop their human rights violations by corrupt bureaucrats and executives.

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